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GTM v2.0 Fender Elim Kit

I recently installed Rizoma Irides front and back on my V7 III Racer. No resistors needed. As long as I had both sides connected correctly, flash rate was same as the OEM blinkers. If one side was not connected correctly, the other side flashed twice as fast. Actually, that was a useful test that helped me catch a loose connection within one of the bullet connectors. But once all was connected correctly, I didn’t need resistors to get the correct flash rate.

When you say both sides to you mean left and right rear / left and right front? Unfortunately I don't have the mounts for the front iRides just yet so I'll only be doing the rear pins for now. Think that'll cause issue?
As stated on the purchase pages, the mPins have built in resistors, and the iRides come with them. ;)
As stated on the purchase pages, the mPins have built in resistors, and the iRides come with them (two in the box in fact). ;)

Here is a pic of the m-pins I received. They do not have the resistor wired into them, as I've seen in other pictures around the internet. I'm guessing I was shipped the non-resistor variety? Any issues attaching the spare two iRide resistors to these?

IMG_6739.webp IMG_8527.webp
From the purchase page and stated above "Comes with built-in onboard resistor."
When you say both sides to you mean left and right rear / left and right front? Unfortunately I don't have the mounts for the front iRides just yet so I'll only be doing the rear pins for now. Think that'll cause issue?
Yes that’s what I mean. It didn’t cause issues for me. Install the rear ones and did not install the front ones until several weeks later. The regular front blinkers worked fine in the meantime. I think the circuits are separated front versus back, based on the wiring diagram. The Irides did ship with resistors as Todd says, but I didn’t end up using them.
A little help please....
My wiring harness has 3 purple (ground), 3 yellow (running), 1 blue (left turn), 1 green -- unknown and 2 red wires (both red operate the right turn signal).

The Rizoma iRides have black, red -- which go into the resistor, right? then there is the green and white wires. I assume the green is the brake and the Rizoma white goes to the Guzzi Tech yellow. Correct?

Why do I have two red wires and only 1 green?

I've tried a lot of combinations. Cannot get the running and brake lights to function on the Rizomas. Turn signals good. LED licence plate good.
From the first post here, now below. Test the harness once plugged in with a turn signal or a test light. You'll have to crimp/split one of the wires when needed for both. We routinely do this at the shop. ;)

Yellow: Running & tag (split)
Red: Brake
Blue: L turn
Green: R turn
Purple: ground
No. I posted the same question on another forum. Another member got your kit, had the same issue. He gave me the walk through instructions about the one green and two red wires.
No. I posted the same question on another forum. Another member got your kit, had the same issue. He gave me the walk through instructions about the one green and two red wires.
Sorry Sandy, so I see what happened now. The red is the brake light (2 in the harness for the Rizoma turn/stops) or they should be wired together for the single LED brake light option for v2.1 & 2. Green is the right turn signal. That correct? I made the changes above and in the first post here.

It's difficult to make a single harness fit all of the LED offerings we make.
It took me nearly all day Sunday, but I am very pleased that I successfully installed the new lights! With some advice here, on FB, and by a friend's texting helpful hints. However, I solder & did the heat shrink all on my own -- I've never done that stuff before. Very cool to learn a new skill :cool:

Here is the breakdown of GT harness wiring kit to the iRides.

From the GuzziTech harness: purple is ground, yellow is running, both red wires are right turn, blue is left, and green needs to be split for the brake. Matched to the iRide from Rizoma: black is ground, white is running, green is the turn signals, and red is the brake.

Hope that makes sense!

Now onto the GT 2n1 exhaust, because that stock exhaust is ugly as poo now!

20191211_161457.webp 20191211_161426.webp
I like your ride Sandy. Very nice. I especially love the seat.
It took me nearly all day Sunday, but I am very pleased that I successfully installed the new lights!
Now onto the GT 2n1 exhaust, because that stock exhaust is ugly as poo now!
Thanks for posting the info Sandy... looks great! And ha, yes it does on the exhaust, but I thought that even as delivered. ;)
Hey guys. First time poster looking for some clarification. I just bought a new 2019 V7III special and the first mod I'm looking into is a fender eliminator. I want to buy the v2.2 as i believe it comes with an LED and a bracket to mount the stock turn signals. The description is a bit unclear.

I just want to make sure before I buy it, that I'm understanding the listing correctly. The v2.2 DOES come with an LED tail light, and brackets to mount the STOCK turn signal lights right?
Hey guys. First time poster looking for some clarification. I just bought a new 2019 V7III special and the first mod I'm looking into is a fender eliminator. I want to buy the v2.2 as i believe it comes with an LED and a bracket to mount the stock turn signals. The description is a bit unclear. I just want to make sure before I buy it, that I'm understanding the listing correctly. The v2.2 DOES come with an LED tail light, and brackets to mount the STOCK turn signal lights right?
Replied via email as well already... click on the Options on the purchase page and read the description there... "The v2.1 ONLY fits standard 2-passenger seats (not the Racer), and includes our round LED Brake Light. v2.2 Is for the Special or Anniversario III for use with the stock grab rail and LED brake light, and includes stock turn brackets. Use stock or aftermarket turns..."
Replied via email as well already... click on the Options on the purchase page and read the description there... "The v2.1 ONLY fits standard 2-passenger seats (not the Racer), and includes our round LED Brake Light. v2.2 Is for the Special or Anniversario III for use with the stock grab rail and LED brake light, and includes stock turn brackets. Use stock or aftermarket turns..."

Thanks for the the reply I appreciate it. I did see the description. After reading the description, I wanted to clarify 2 things:

1. when you click v2.2 the picture doesn't show turn signals. If they are pictured, the brackets weren't obvious to me.

2. "v2.2 Is for the Special or Anniversario III for use with the stock grab rail and LED brake light, and includes stock turn brackets." Wasn't sure if the phrase "for use with" applied to LED brake light. Or whether I should assume the LED brake light is included, as with the v2.1.

Just wanted to be 100% certain before I spent 350.

Thanks for the fast reply.

edit: Even though you answered me with the description, sounds like you are confirming both are included.
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