Guys, it’s not Moto Guzzi’s fault and it has absolutely nothing to do with them not purchasing software or rights or any of that BS.
It has to do with precisely the same crap that pops up here all the time.
Any idiot who fancies themselves a qualified ECU modifier and programmer, gets software off the internet which allows them to do stuff they have no idea what they are doing and allows them to really FU their motorcycle. When it happens, they come crying here to help them please! Why do they do this? BECAUSE THEY CAN! (My Nonna once told me that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should!)
Moto Guzzi provides a theft deterrent system (immobilizer) that cannot be defeated by any known piece of software, including an unscrupulous dealer or a person who “acquired” or cloned a dealer computer PADS or NAVIGATOR. You know this would happen in 2 seconds flat if it were possible! Absolutely without question.
So they designed it to be unable to be cracked in the field.
However, Carmo is very smart and they know how to open the dash and connect directly to the nonvolatile memory chip that stores the code, and read it directly.
Sure, you can unplug the dash and get the bike to start but nothing works without the dash connected. No turn signals, no brake lights, no instruments, and as far as selling a stolen motorcycle with a locked dash, forget it. It has little value.
THE PITFALL IS: You can have 100 cloned keys but if that key for whatever reason, gets deleted or corrupted in the immobilizer, then you have 100 identical dead keys and are completely SOL!
To protect you, Moto Guzzi admonishes you SEVERAL TIMES, IN SEVERAL PLACES, to WRITE DOWN AND RECORD THE CODE!
They also instruct you to program AT LEAST 2 different keys to the dash immobilizer and even provide the motorcycle owner the ability to program 4 DIFFERENT KEYS right from the motorcycle itself!
With 2 different keys, you can FORCE A RESET OF THE USER CODE right on the dash on the motorcycle.
Come on, stop bashing Moto Guzzi and put the blame exactly where it belongs, squarely on the shoulders of stupid, lazy, owners who are too busy or fancy themselves too intelligent to READ THE OWNERS MANUAL which explains it in detail, and who also fail to insist upon a proper PDI setup from their dealer so long as they bought the bike cheaper from Dealer X and screwed out their local dealer of some well deserved profit. Lastly, they don't take it upon themselves to ensure that this does not happen to themselves ever!
This is why this happens time and again.
Every used Moto Guzzi I have bought came with an Original Owners Manual, that clearly had never had a page turned open in it ever. This is the truth! (My GIANT pet peeve here is people who ask stupid questions that are covered in detail in the manuals, both owners and service, because they are simply TOO DAMN LAZY to read for themselves and instead want to be spoon-fed everything. Sometimes I think they want us to "peel grapes for them" and feed them to them while they recline on a sofa.)
So, if you haven’t done so, WRITE YOUR USER CODE DOWN SOMEPLACE. Program 3 or I strongly recommend 4 different transponder keys to the immobilizer, and sit back and smile knowing that you will never have this issue.
I already have the 3 extra blank keys to program and cut the very second I get my dash back from Carmo (giving me a complete set of 4 different transponder keys).
KUDOS TO CARMO. They have been amazingly professional by the way.