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My Experience With Sending My Dash and Keys to Carmo BV in The Netherlands For Repair


GT Godfather!
GT di Razza Pura
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Hello Everybody!

Well, FedEx just picked up my package for shipment to Carmo BV in Holland (The Netherlands). Inside of the package is my dashboard from my 2007 Norge 1200, and 2 of the Moto Guzzi keys.

As is the case with many people who buy a previously owned Moto Guzzi motorcycle, when I purchased the motorcycle, the owner did not know the User Code that had been input into the dash when the bike was new (although he was the original owner). The dealer he had purchased the motorcycle from back in 2007, was no longer in business (no surprise there), and so we had no record of what the User Code might be.

I tired all of the usual combinations, last 5 of the VIN, date of manufacturer, standard Maintenance Menu Code, the previous owner's SSN, everything. I must have tried 50 different possible codes, but nothing worked.

As I did not have either the User Code, or TWO different transponder code keys which were already programmed to the dash, I had to remove the dash and send it and my keys to Carmo BV in Holland. They offer a service for opening the dash and actually reading out the stored User Code from the memory chip directly.

So I sent the dash and 2 keys, to Carmo BV in Holland today via FedEx.

Granted, I am a paranoid kind of person with regard to shipping things (something always seems to get damaged somehow) so I obtained a Pelican type case from Harbor Freight, and packaged the dash inside of it for waterproof and crushproof safety reasons. Here are 3 pictures of the whole thing. (Yes, my desk was messy. I'm a very busy mechanic, not a very good maid. - LOL)




So, the reason I had to do this is because I need to know the User Code and I wanted to get 4 different keys to be programmed to the dash. This reasoning is well explained and I have detailed it in another post:



The dash is a very simple computer. It uses an antenna in the ignition switch to read a transponder chip which is encased in the key head.​

Each key has a unique transponder code. This is different from the physical cut in the key.​

CLONED KEYS are exactly that. Both the physical cut of the key AND the transponder code, is completely duplicated from one key to another. THIS IS NOT HAVING TWO KEYS!​

This is having TWO OF THE SAME KEY from the dashboard’s point of view. CLONED KEYS look identical to it. They are indistinguishable from each other.​

The rubber tag with the number on it, originally attached to your original keys, is the key CUT CODE. It gives information to a locksmith on how to cut the groves.​

The dash is capable of recording 4 unique transponder codes. So, this means that 4 different keys can be programmed into the dash memory. Each of those 4 keys will have the exact same groove cut into them so they fit into the ignition and lock tumblers, but they must have different and unique transponder codes.​

The dash requires a User Code to be entered when it was first put into service. It asks for a new code everytime the motorcycle is started until one is entered, then it asks no more.​

This code serves a programming function as well as an override function. 2 very different functions​

If you have a cut key (one that obviously fits the tumblers), but its transponder is not programmed to the dash, then you can insert the key. The dash will recognize that it is an unregistered transponder (key) and ask you for your User Code. You can then enter the stored user code, and this will override the dash security and allow the unprogrammed key to start the engine. It will also allow you to then program the key to the dash.​

If you have lost the user code, you can use the function inside the dash menu, to recover the user code. It requires two exactly cut keys with different transponder codes which have already been previously programmed into the dash memory.​

(Remember, you can have up to 4 different transponder coded keys programmed at the same time in the dash.).​

So when the menu function of Code Recover is selected, it will ask you for the first key, which you insert and turn on and off, then it will ask you for the second key which you do the same thing. It will then allow you to enter a new code which it will then store in the dash as the new User Code.​


So, in your case…if you have found the second key, it MUST BE ALREADY PROGRAMMED IN THE DASH or it will not start the motorcycle without the User Code.​

The ONLY WAY an unprogrammed key will start the motorcycle is with the stored User Code.​

You can defeat this whole security system code thing and start the motorcycle by unplugging the dash but none of the dash functions will work and if you plug the dash in on a running motorcycle, the engine will again be stopped and disabled from starting again, instantly.​

There is no method available to any Moto Guzzi dealer whatsoever, to remove a user code from the dashboard.

There is no method to reprogram the dash to erase a user code by any Moto Guzzi dealer.

Carmo in the Netherlands, actually systematically opens the dashboard and directly jumpers onto the chip where the user code is stored, and then reads the stored data in the chip, literally bit by bit on the chip. They then reseal the dash and reprogram new keys and/or provide the stored user code to the owner and guarantee their dash repair and reseal for 1 year.​

This is how the system actually works.​

We should just make this explanation a Sticky for reference. It comes up all the time as motorcycles change hands without keys or codes.​


So, the package is scheduled to arrive in Holland on Thursday. As this progresses, I will post updates as to the process.

I'm very excited to be able to experience this and document it personally as I know this is an event that comes up all the time, especially as these bikes age and trade hands more times.

To me, it's just plain nuts to not know the User Code and have the minimum number of different working keys necessary to reset the User Code should the need arise.

Hopefully this will all go smoothly! We shall see.
I’m telling you how the thing works. Google “cloned motorcycle keys” and read. Then perhaps you will understand.

Cloned keys are "transponder code programmable keys" which are programmed to be identical by the locksmith, with the same transponder code as an existing key. That’s why they are called “CLONED”. They are identical in every way and are seen by the Dash as the exact same key. They are indistinguishable from each other by the Dash firmware.

Carmo BV is in The Netherlands (Holland), not Norway. These are their Moto Guzzi services as of 1/24/2022 listed on their website carmo.nl

Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 10.31.53 AM.png
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Hopefully it all works out, my experience with Carmo was positive.
I ended up writing my user code on the back of my various dashes with a sharpie so if there was ever a question I could go through a little work and retrieve it. I sent out one of my partially failed dashes as a tester for a few people before I eventually sold my 1200 Sport, so knowing the code was important.

I sent my package to Holland on late Tuesday via FedEx. I received confirmation emails and texts from FedEx the whole way there at every step.

It arrived in Holland on Thursday morning and was delivered late in the morning.

Carmo sent me this the moment they received it.


They immediately set to work on it and in the middle of the night last night, (they are 5 hours ahead of EST) I received this! Unbelievable. Talk about responsive and fast!


Now I just wait for the return shipment.

I’m getting really excited about this now.

Too bad I have nothing but snow, ice, and 10 degree weather in my future. I’m looking forward to buttoning her back together and riding her.

Time to order my new tires!

I’ll post again when the dash arrives back home.

So far, I am very pleased with Carmo BV.

Carmo also provides an online TICKET SYSTEM where I can log in and see everything in chronological order, that was related to my repair.

This is especially convenient and also a great provenance of the services provided, for any future buyer that I would sell the motorcycle to. (Big Fat Chance of that happening! 😆😆😆 but it’s still very nice). Below this screen is a record of every communication between us. It’s very slick.

Everyone knows what the code “was” until it gets reinstalled in my motorcycle! 😆😆😆

I will be able to reset it myself.

Maybe I’ll just stick in a random number and hope my aging mind will remember it….

NOT! 😆
I practice what I preach!

My codes are written down in my owners manuals on the inside front cover, on a sticker under my seat, and also attached to the spare programmed keys laying inside my safe.

Good write-up of your initial experience with Carmo Electronics. I wasn't as clever as you in my packaging for my 2014 California dash and keys. I simply wrapped in lots of bubble wrap, tape and a tight fit in a stout corrugated box.

I trust you will be very happy with their services.

I received a personal email yesterday letting me know that my dash was on its way back to me.

My repair technician, Mr. Jimmy Schings, was extremely polite, professional and helpful. He encouraged direct communication with him at jimmy@carmo.nl as he really values the customer service and interaction process. He told me that I could share his personal email with the GuzziTech famiglia for anybody who needs this service or has a question about Carmo.

He joked that he liked my bright orange Harbor Freight “Pelican” type hard-case so much, that he was keeping it! 😆😆😆

Jimmy sent my orange box back to me via UPS and it’s already gone from Holland to Germany as of last night, and is scheduled to come to my shop in Ohio tomorrow.

This never ceases to amaze me. I cannot get a USPS ground shipment reliably from CA to OH in 3-10 days, but I get stuff from Europe all the time, in 2-3 days and it’s always flawless. 🧐🤨🧐

I’m getting very excited. Now I need to order my tires!

If only this lousy winter weather would go away. Fat chance on that though!

I cannot wait to ride my “new” Norge with my best friend, Mark on his R1200RT. We both have Stelvios and now I have a fairing equipped touring bike like him.

Time to plan a getaway!
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Yes, assuming it arrives tomorrow at my shop as expected.

Incredibly fast turn around including shipping to Holland and back again!
I received a personal email yesterday letting me know that my dash was on its way back to me.

My repair technician, Mr. Jimmy Schings, was extremely polite, professional and helpful. He encouraged direct communication with him at jimmy@carmo.nl as he really values the customer service and interaction process. He told me that I could share his personal email with the GuzziTech famiglia for anybody who needs this service or has a question about Carmo.

He joked that he liked my bright orange Harbor Freight “Pelican” type hard-case so much, that he was keeping it! 😆😆😆

Jimmy sent my orange box back to me via UPS and it’s already gone from Holland to Germany as of last night, and is scheduled to come to my shop in Ohio tomorrow.

This never ceases to amaze me. I cannot get a USPS ground shipment reliably from CA to OH in 3-10 days, but I get stuff from Europe all the time, in 2-3 days and it’s always flawless. 🧐🤨🧐

I’m getting very excited. Now I need to order my tires!

If only this lousy winter weather would go away. Fat chance on that though!

I cannot wait to ride my “new” Norge with my best friend, Mark on his R1200RT. We both have Stelvios and now I have a fairing equipped touring bike like him.

Time to plan a getaway!
Now, you have to live in Europe, the best solution, and Italy is very close :):);)
Now, you have to live in Europe, the best solution, and Italy is very close :):);)

I'm retiring to Mandello del Lario in about 3 years! Goodbye USA. Buongiorno Italia!
Yes, assuming it arrives tomorrow at my shop as expected.

Incredibly fast turn around including shipping to Holland and back again!
Indeed, that's first class service!

What other Guzzi services can they perform?

Perhaps Todd could use them for unlocking his Reflash tools?
