As usual, late to this party.
Also no longer have a Norge; Lordy, I miss that beast.
An early adopter -- a disease I've since (pretty much
) cured, thanks to the Norge -- I had your oil-pressure madness and rear-main-seal issues, plus engine seizure from faulty oil pump, CARC self-destruct, and many more. Guzzi fixed the engine and CARC under warranty.
On my own, I finally fixed the OP issue as did you and countless others by replacing the connection ... and several new OP switches before I realized that the switches worked just fine, but the contact didn't. That led to all sorts of angst on the road. When I finally sold it last year for age issues -- mine, not the Norge's!
-- I had sorted out all of the maddening issues ... except that main seal leak.
I decided that it really didn't matter. Heck, I was more incontinent than it was.
Seriously, and this may make the real wrenches and neatness nerds here groan, but on any sort of X/Y "value" assessment, the time and cost of such a fix seems, IMO, at least, to outweigh the benefits. So, unless it just drives you nuts, I'd view it as yet another endearing "feature." Besides, for former Volvo owners, it just seems natural.
OK, I've thrown that cherry bomb into the pond; let's see what bobs to the top.
@Captincvmn, you are just up the road; come visit the Moto Grappa at the top of Virginia sometime.