I worry about detonation because I have a profound hearing loss from the accident that I had 10 years ago. I wear hearing aids and I'm concerned about the Bluetooth connection with the helmet etc. and with not being able to detect the detonation if it occurs.All grade gasoline motor fuels are required by law to have a specified minimum of detergent additives. This is what the overwhelming majority of refiners add; the minimum specified amounts.
My friend the retired petroleum chemical engineer, told me that almost without exception, the additive package used on the various grades refined by a particular company, is virtually the same. From the research I have done, I have found this to be the case.
Some of the major companies, use “fuzzy math” like I said earlier. If regular unleaded contains 5ppm of an additive and premium contains 10ppm, it does in fact have double the amount but that extra does absolutely nothing extra really.
The term “premium “ is marketing smoke and mirrors.
The bottom line here is to use the fuel that you feel most comfortable with.
I am advocating nothing but that. I just like information and wanted to share what has been shared with me.
Whatever fuel you select, just be sure you are not experiencing detonation as that will destroy an engine faster than anything.
My dealer is being very kind and helpful with getting me back in the groove.
I truly do appreciate all the help I can get!