Thanks for this Scott. I have been running PComm's since 2001, and AutoTune since ~2008 or so. My '13 STILL wears the prototype PC built for the Guzzi 8V engine in late '08. Zero issues, and incredible throttle response and fueling on ALL of my bikes and custom GTM builds. Only my Supercharged builds use a completely different Fueling system as the parameters are too extreme for the stock ECU.GTM’s fueling solution with the PowerCommander, the Autotune 300 [dual λ (lambda-sensors)] and GTM’s Dyno developed, tested and proven custom map, will make your Moto Guzzi come to life like never before, while it utilizes 2 brand new wide-band sensors.
They are extremely reliable.
I have been running this setup on my Stelvio for 10+ years now and it has operated flawlessly all these years. GTM provides bi-annual review of your mapping file at no charge to the purchasers of this system.
Before anyone gets too excited, they are NOT (yet) available for the V100, and likely may never be. They are also not available for the V7/9, and only the V85TTs with ECU flashes via UpMap (for now). I will be testing to see if I can make one work on the V100s hopefully soon. I have to get into the ECU first to do so.