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Receiving "enter code" when turning ig on

Have you made sure that the non-start issue isn't related to any of the common causes like the interlocks or the rather wierd and arcane starter relay wiring as covered extensively in another thread here? Thing is apart from the crappy speedo sensors I've not had any problems with any of the newer bikes. But there agian I have had very few problems with any of the new bikes I've worked on or set up. I'm not suggesting that I am in some way better than anyone else, far from it, but I do think that there are a lot of people who are scared of what is in front of them and not willing to try and fix problems that are really mindlessly simple.

Griso Guy said:
Sorry for taking up time, if I were to replace the ignition switch with of course comes with new keys, would this sole the problem with the bike not will to cooperate.

No. It would create new problems as the system would need to learn new keys. You need your user code to do that.

Griso Guy said:
To answer one of your first questions,
I switch on the ignition switch the system fails to recognize that I had done so, so it asks me to enter the security code. Since I never reset it from the factory setting,it should be all zeros. Enter in a zeros, "error" "re-renter security code".
Now, if the key is not being recognized by the antenna in the main switch, than wouldn't it be a switch issue or could the dash be involved as well? The local dealer, which is doing they possibly can but with the diagnostic system that Guzzi uses is from the renaissance era. The mechanic I know rather well is a very good Guzzi tech but he haqs never experienced something like this on a Guzzi but has on Harley's, but their system was easy and full proof with everything that can be programmed.
So, in all do you think I should replace the switch?

Replace the immobilizer antenna. The Griso parts manual shows the connector for the aerial on the main harness, but doesn't list the part. Good Guzzi books :( Even the 1100 Breva parts lists shows the connector, but not the aerial. See if you dealer can locate it using the Guzzi web based application.

Sorry I can't be of more help. But without a user code entered into the bike, you are screwed. My recommendation is when it does recognize the key, enter a real user code. At least with that, you can get going. BTW If it didn't recognize the key as being turned on, it wouldn't even ask for the user code. I suggest you use Graham's suggestion of using the service code as your user code. Without the user code, you can't even change the ignition switch.
The big issue here is if it does function and cycles through what it has to do, dumb ass me, left the spare key in AZ. So I am unable to put in a new code.
I would rather see the industry go back to the 80's and early 90 era of electronics.
Thanks again to all. I'll try to do the antenna bit first.
Griso Guy said:
The big issue here is if it does function and cycles through what it has to do, dumb ass me, left the spare key in AZ. So I am unable to put in a new code.
I would rather see the industry go back to the 80's and early 90 era of electronics.
Thanks again to all. I'll try to do the antenna bit first.

Once you have an immobilizer system that recognizes the key you should be OK. Enter a new user code when you get back to AZ.
Is it a relatively new bike? Did you ever enter a user code? If you have entered a user code, my suspicion is the antenna for the ignition key code reader is not working properly. Go into diagnostics and you may see some error codes that support this theory.

The flashing function for the turn signals is controlled by the dashboard. If you are getting errors, and both lights work, the only way to correct the problem that I know of is to replace the dash unit. It is also possible that both symptoms are related to a failing dash.

Hello John Zibell

Question for you John Z. Just detailed bike and I got carried away on washing GRiSO. It starts but idles at 900. If you ride it the engine cuts out at 3-4000 rpm and the needle jumps around on dashboard. It obviously got water intrusion in electrics. It's throwing a DSB 08 code only. Should I delete error and do a negative battery disconnect? Or leave it in sun for the afternoon first.

Hello John Zibell

Question for you John Z. Just detailed bike and I got carried away on washing GRiSO. It starts but idles at 900. If you ride it the engine cuts out at 3-4000 rpm and the needle jumps around on dashboard. It obviously got water intrusion in electrics. It's throwing a DSB 08 code only. Should I delete error and do a negative battery disconnect? Or leave it in sun for the afternoon first.


DSB 08 is an oil pressure fault. Should not make the bike do what you describe. The position of the ECU on a Griso makes them vulnerable to water intrusion if my memory serves me correctly. I suggest you disconnect the ECU and dash and clean the connectors with contact cleaner. Also do what you can to dry them out. The ECU should have a separate ground lead. Make sure that is clean and tight. I've seen ECU failures from a bad ground at the ECU. Also see the thread on Dash Repair to add drain holes to the dash. https://www.guzzitech.com/forums/threads/bns12-dash-repair.15418/

As a precaution, on the rare occasion I wash my bike, I do cover the dash with a plastic bag to head off these issues. If it is nice enough out to wash your bike, it is nice enough out to ride it!!
Thank you John. I ended up letting it sit in sun all afternoon. Then deleted the 08 error turned off ignition and disconnected negative lead on battery per your advise with other member on post. Let sit for 10 min reconnected then reattached neg connect. Then turned on ignition and the ECU error flashed, made a bunch of switch and relay noises carc side under seat then cleared. Hit the starter and Idle back to 1100rpm and runs like a top again. No fuses blown no burnt wire smell just bike letting me know don't spray clean it again period. It was definitely a trip to Hoseville without an invite. Lol