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Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

I have been looking at why the right hand indicators work just fine but when I push the button for the left indicators, nothing happens. I have gone over the switch and given it a good clean but this has not made a difference.


I think it must be a fault at the other end of the cabling as Brian suggested. I have followed the cables under the tank and the frame and can see that my future includes taking the tank off again. Woe :-(
So, the cowl is off and I have I have found the two connectors from the left hand switch pack.


Guess I’ll be trying to do some connector cleaning tomorrow.
While I was thinking about that, I thought I’d adjust the gear lever, just moving it down one notch. Off came the cover plate (with its partially seized in fasteners) to find it’s a lot mucky. I thought I’d do some cleaning while I was there - I mean that clearly hasn’t been done in years, if ever.



So I took the lever off and thoroughly cleaned it, the fasteners, washer and cover. Then I noticed that this rubber o-ring had nothing holding it in place. That’s a slight worry:


More concerning was that I when I tried to reattach the gear lever, the post just moved into the plate.

I’m sure it shouldn’t do that. Fortunately I could get hold of the mechanism behind and push it back into place while reattaching the lever. That can’t be right, surely?
Today’s been cold. This hasn’t been enjoyable, but I did get the indicators working - left as well as right.

The left fairing came off, letting me get to the two connectors between the switch / bar loom and the main electrics:

I gave them as good a clean as I could without disassembling the whole bike to get further into the electrics. I was amazed when I put it back together and it worked - and so did the indicators. Very pleased with that.

I then turned to the problem of the tank not fitting without straps etc. A little trim of the rubber grommet and suddenly that’s no longer needed. Here’s the trim:

And here’s the bolt, slotting straight in and tightening up without having to compress the tank:
It’s windy and wet this morning. I shall be grateful for the big Norge fairing as I venture out to take the bike to Baldrick in Leatherhead (around 65 miles) to get the fuel injection set up, including balancing the throttles & resetting the TPS. More importantly, he adjusted the sacred screw before the French holiday and so I’d like him to check all the settings again on his diagnostic machine as it may need doing again after the exhaust repair. Plus it’s a little reluctant to tick over when stone cold so hopefully he’ll be able to fix that.

Er, and then I am done. For the time being :)
Well, the Norge has been to Baldrick's place this morning. It rained all the way there and all the way back again :(

He did the throttle balance, TPS reset and a gentle twiddling to get the FI set up nicely. It felt nice on the way there and better on the way back.

It didn't 'alf get mucky on the wet Hampshire back roads I took so when I got home I washed it. And then because I'm not really a trusting chap, I fired the bike up just to make sure it would still run after several soakings - it ran and everything worked :happy::happy:
So. Er. After the visit on Friday, the Norge appears to be as close as it’s ever going to get to being finished. I absolutely could not have done it without the help and support of this group.

Thank you very much, every one of you that’s liked, suggested, helped, considered and otherwise supported. I really appreciate it.

Thank you.
So. Er. After the visit on Friday, the Norge appears to be as close as it’s ever going to get to being finished. I absolutely could not have done it without the help and support of this group.

Thank you very much, every one of you that’s liked, suggested, helped, considered and otherwise supported. I really appreciate it.

Thank you.

Cheers Mate!

Shiny side up, rubber side down. Enjoy your Norge!
Happy to report that the Norge did me very well indeed from Hampshire to Bristol & on to Blaenau Ffestiniog on Friday. It was again lovely from Blaenau to Capel Curig and on to nr Bangor on Sat for the Dragon Rally.

I'm very pleased to say that it incurred no damage from storm Ciara overnight and amazingly performed very well indeed while crossing a lake of mud from site to road.

Sunday's ride home in the teeth of the storm was quite something. The A5 was closed because of flooding and a landslide. The A55 along the North coast was pretty bad - high winds and driving rain. The sea - well, I wish I could have stopped to take a picture but there was no possibility of that!

The trip along the M56 then down the M6 at a steady 50 or so was acceptable - not nice and certainly pretty windy at times, but doable. The M42 & M40 much better and - after I'd parted with my mate on his 1965 James - was OK for some mile munching at higher speed. Eating up some miles that way paid dividends later. The Norge does a fantastic 50mpg at 50mph but goes closer to 30mpg at 70mph. I may apply the Beetle juice (sp?) map if that will help there.

The A34 was the worst bit of the whole journey. The wind picked up really strongly again and the rain really lashed the road. I was, frankly, terrified of crashing from aquaplaning - I could see the shiny surface where it was just running water and so found a lorry not generating too much spray and followed in its wheel tracks, figuring they were at least partially cleared. Being on the Norge meant I could easily vary my speed without changing gear or braking. If I'd braked hard (possibly at all), I think I'd have been off. Gods bless Moto Guzzi engine design

A few miles before the Sutton Scotney services a car driver aquaplaned into the central reservation, resulting in some miles of stationary traffic. I filtered very slowly to the front with my hazards on. Its amazing how few car drivers look in their mirrors once they've slowed right down

During a brief wait while the emergency services cleared the road, I watched 1" deep water running down both lanes. one of the chaps from the clear up team said he'd seen loads of such incidents and expected more

I rode at a steady 40 to the services and had a rest. After coffee, orange juice and 1/2 hr rest I set off again. During that time the rain had stopped and the roads drained pretty well. I got home at 19:15. 623.5 miles. Many kilo-tonnes of terror