Abusus Non Tollit Usum
The connector is simple and efficient to use.
Just because one cannot use it correctly, does not make it a bad design.
I had some time studying Latin and love to find opportunities to use it.
I don’t quarrel, Scott, with the premise that the connector is — at least in theory — "simple and efficient to use."
Nor do I think it necessarily a bad design … well, except for it being integrated, as I recall, into the fuel-pump assembly, at least in some models.
It would, however, IMO, never have its large numbers of present detractors — yes, most, as I am, dilettantes of the mechanical arts — had it been fashioned from metal instead of plastic.
Gratias tibi.
P.S. On a note related to Latin, but not the connector, my career as a Latin scholar hit a speed bump early on. A comely little lass sat in the desk in front of me.
I passed her a sophomorically ribald — I was, after all, a high-school sophomore!

— note in crippled Latin that, essentially, proposed a tryst after school. She read it, turned around (my undoing, BTW) and winked.
The crusty old Latin teacher, a spinster no doubt much younger than I am now

, spotted the movement, seized the note, read it, and launched me toward the principal’s office and the dreaded “Board of Education.”

Those were the days of corporal punishment and I was already a veteran sergeant!
Maybe more about that over whiskey sometime.