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Scott's How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code. (CARC Dashboards)


And as a buyer of MG product I see a serious prob with this.
Awareness of the issue being PRIMARY concern to me.

Key#1 (comes with bike) - gets dropped in creek, down toilet etc, gone) Has AUTH#1
Key#2 (comes with bike, - at home in a 'safe' place has 'codeNUM' (I have dementia, 'lost' stuff 'turns' up - usually) Has AUTH#2
UserCode (accidently set 'cause red flash error msg', press buttons oops, ok turn off, take key out) AUTH#3

and if I don't have Key#1 + Key#2 then I or nobody can change UserCode
So losing one key & a forgoton code there is ZERO 'reset' (other than Mikuni Carbs?)
It's a "parts bike", 'cause I lost ONE KEY ('cause to late to make more).

I'm going to get 2 x "transponder" keys made ???? using 'blank' "universal remote' style keys? (surely MG don't in-house design & make the keys, do they? OK so ho much do 2 keys cost from MG?
Then I am going to setup Key#3 and Key#4 (after doing the REST of UserCode to something I "might" remember (scrap steel?) Dementia aside, I'll write it in 'user guide'

My insurance company is gonna love this story. Just ONE key & ONE 'coce = "Scrap metal'
Come on MG, get out of the drug trade :-)
Can no one read the owners manual anymore? I have programmed hundreds and I only have a HS diploma
No, it's 3pt text, pics 'upside down' ITI-English vs JAP-Eng or Cyn-ENG and , just can't read it. Is there any SAFTEY stuff I SHOULD know? Wonder if MG LEGAL should ponder that befor they add Ancient hebrew to an ENGLISH speaking/reading /picture looking country?
Can no one read the owners manual anymore? I have programmed hundreds and I only have a HS diploma
there is a phenomenon known as knowledge bias. basically what it means is: once you have learned something, it is difficult to image why everyone doesnt know it. Follow any toddlers struggle to learn to tie their shoes or do addition. it might be difficult to admit, but at one time those simple things were also a struggle for you.
HA! I tried the "last five digits of the VIN" trick as user code and it worked. Well, it looks like it worked, imma double check in a few. Looks like the dealer programmed it and never told the original owner.
I think I am getting close to figuring out how to reset the tripmeter as well!
Sorry to be so rough on you riders, from a guy who can't work a smartphone or want to.
I used to instruct new owners how to enter codes or I would do it for them and write code on fender under seat.
Sorry to be so rough on you riders, from a guy who can't work a smartphone or want to.
I used to instruct new owners how to enter codes or I would do it for them and write code on fender under seat.
Atlanta! I used to live in Norcross for like 10 years.
There ABSOLUTELY is a reason why there is no tool Piaggio makes for this. You just never stopped long enough to think it through.

If there was a “master key” tool, thieves would have the tool in their possession in 20 seconds flat. The security system would be worthless worldwide. Good job!

The reason Moto Guzzi, and Piaggio products overall, have such a low incidence of theft in Europe, and the world, is due to precisely this fact.
There ABSOLUTELY is a reason why there is no tool Piaggio makes for this
100% agree on the security side of things, and when see the 2xAuthkey + code all makes sense 9to me) from a security angle.

To have my bike "junk metal" because 1xlost key & no code or no 2 keys to reset & more importantly no dealer (which I get from security perspective) I wonder.

Perhaps factory can ship all 4 coded keys with bike? Perhaps if i show up at dealer with no code and 1xkey & sales reciepts he can assist?
Read carefully—a dealer cannot assist if you don’t have the user code or at least 2 different keys already paired with the dash. Scott posted information about a company in The Netherlands that can resolve the issue for a price and the time to ship the dash unit.
you can source a new dash
I'm going to take EASY route. I'm going to find 2 blank key get them cut per tag number then programme them as Key#3 and Key#4 then because they can't be replaced maybe "clonekey or 2 also'.
Plan is 1 in bike, 1 (with cutcode tag) in 'safe place'. then 1 in rucksack incase I drop 1, and the a 2nd in ruck sack incase i need to get one cut or forget code.

TD;DR I am going to look into some "backup" plans for my V85TT, just incase.
When I said EASY route, well I might have been mis-leading.

https://www.vectriqkeys.com.au/product/moto-guzzi-blank-transponder-key-with-chip/ (sorry if not meant to post links but couldn't see in shop) so ~ $usa?80 ea + post and need to provide 'info' (security I suppose)

or https://www.amazon.com.au/Moto-Guzz...o+guzzi+v85tt+key+blank,automotive,327&sr=1-2

and get 2 'original' keys for $usa?106

But neither says V85TT (but links might help others with older lot-key-code bikes?

if I check here https://www.mykeyspro.com/news I find that Keys is NOT Keys. Every manufacturer has own (obviously for security reasons) and then a "programmer" device needed.

Are Key#3 & Key#4 that I assume are same thing part# wise, avail on Amazon? would it work? Anyone tried?
How much do MG charge? Anyone bought one?
Perhaps factory can ship all 4 coded keys with bike? Perhaps if i show up at dealer with no code and 1xkey & sales reciepts he can assist?

Every motorcycle with a security system type ignition, shipped from Mandello del Lario, with 2 keys and a default USER CODE.

Moto Guzzi is absolutely not responsible for coddling owner’s who are too stupid to read their Owner’s Manual which explains the system, its requirements and how to properly configure and operate the system, including how to make up to 4 different keys.

I’m done with this topic.
Did you try the last five digits of the VIN? I had basically the same situation and it worked for me. Seems like its worth a try.
One Audace came with only one key and no code. Used, kind of, from a dealer. The last digits of the VIN worked. Give that a try. My new V100 has the last 3 digits as my Audace had only the Audace had a 1 in front of the three. The funny thing is the Audace's last 4 were the same as the last 4 in my SSN. The V100's last 3 are the same. Guzzis are meant for me or I am meant for them. Either way, I don't mind.
Hi all just joined to say thank you for this thread, as you have saved me from making a big mistake. I was about to put down my hard earned on a second hand v85tt from a non Guzzi dealer that only had one key.... He didn't know anything about a code either... So long story short l rang the local dealer and was informed Yes we can have a new key made and programed, we don't need your missing code.... They said we can do it on our equipment... Urr what? I rang 2 other dealers and they agreed with you guys no we can't if you have 1 key only no code. My issue the dealer I'm buying it from also rang the first guzzi dealer (closest) so now they think it's only gunna cost them between $100-200....
Any how, l need one last part of the puzzle, Moto Guzzi Australia got back to me, they said l would need a new dash $1600+ fitting and new lock set $500+ fitting... BUT do l also need a new ECU???

He didn't indicate l did, he said they would install the dash, ignition and plug it in and program it.

And being a V85tt l can't program any key myself they can only be done at a dealer, and they also need the personal access code or 2 keys.
No. The code is in the dash and the reader is in the ignition switch.
I don’t know how many digits the V85 codes are (4 or 5 digits) but it’s best to try the obvious codes first.

The last 4 or 5 of the VIN






You might get lucky and stumble on it and save yourself $2,000+

I would just remove the dash and send it to Carmo in Holland with your 1 good key.

They can read the code and program a new transponder 2nd key for you for a lot less money. Less than €300.
