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T3 850 piston pin clips alternatives?

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Wow Scott , to blanket all after market pieces as poor quality and fitness for purpose is just plain unfair and untrue ....... .

My opinion from a lifetime of professional motorcycle mechanic work.

Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry.

(For clarification, I am speaking as to the overwhelming majority of the stuff that people buy on FleaBay and Amazon or direct from China.

There is a tremendous difference between that cheap junk and true high-dollar, professionally manufactured quality aftermarket items like high end wheels, precision suspensions, exhaust system components, etc.)
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Ah , clarification , and thanks for editing your post , I figured you probly would once you thought about what you had posted ;) ..... but you need to open your mind a little further , not everything cheap is crap ( maybe you are just used to massively overpaying for stuff in a "name branded " container ) and a lot of good stuff is made in China . Im certainly happy with most of the basic hand tools and outboard parts I got from China ( the kitchen whisk was way small , I should have had a better look at the description ).
My neibour has just got some anodised ally clutch and brake levers for his kids MX bike .....honestly dude they look pretty good to me even got brass bushes in the lever pivots ☺️
Ah , clarification , and thanks for editing your post , I figured you probly would once you thought about what you had posted ;) ..... but you need to open your mind a little further , not everything cheap is crap ( maybe you are just used to massively overpaying for stuff in a "name branded " container ) and a lot of good stuff is made in China . Im certainly happy with most of the basic hand tools and outboard parts I got from China ( the kitchen whisk was way small , I should have had a better look at the description ).
My neibour has just got some anodised ally clutch and brake levers for his kids MX bike .....honestly dude they look pretty good to me even got brass bushes in the lever pivots ☺️
I'd say you have been lucky. I value my hands too much to use a Chinese tool. Yes some products are good, but the majority of the stuff we see in the US from China is pure junk. A friend of mine had electronic equipment components built in China. To get quality pieces he had to pay much more for the items. In the end, it wasn't much less then built in the US.
Ah , clarification , and thanks for editing your post , I figured you probly would once you thought about what you had posted ;)

No, I stand behind what I wrote. I merely wanted to clarify about things like Ohlins and Matris caliber suspension components, Brembo brake components, and other ultra high end components.

The overwhelming majority of aftermarket crap sold from China is pure crap regardless of price.

Show me literally anything from China that is regarded as state of the art, cutting edge, or top of the line.

There isn’t anything from China that fits that description. Nothing at all. The Chinese have the worst metallurgy, plastics resins, steel and other metals, and the worlds very worst quality nuts, bolts, and fasteners.

You enjoy your stuff. I’ll enjoy mine.

Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry.
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It's finally finished , after extreme over budget costs and time , I'm talking of our TMX oil pipeline from Alberta to our B.C coast .
Did anyone mention that pretty much all the pipe used for that , "Came From China" . Kinda scary eh ?
Oh yeah there is a lot of crap for sure but thats where a bit of nouse comes in ., and not everyone is looking for " top of the line , ultra high end , or cutting edge ...... somewhere between that and the finer crap is where Im at .
Stihl and Mercedes use Chinese manufacturers .

I guess location comes into it a bit , gotta be something wrong here when I can save money buying top quality spanners and other hi use tools from the UK cheaper than I can get them here , inc freight . US stuff often looks good until you see the freight costs NZ is one of the dearest places to live .
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