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Trips & Pics

What's Vancouver Island like Norm, must be interesting and beautiful?
It's a beaut mate ;) . Probably 80% wilderness. The highest concentration of cougars in North America. Wolfs, black bears, and in the last few years Grizzly bears. This summer, for the first time a mother griz with 2 cubs was spotted on the north island. Home to Canada's
most endangered mammal, the VI marmot (my fave charity), slowly being re-introduced through captive breeding.
The surrounding oceans: sea otters, orcas (killer whales), humpbacks and grays, California and Stellar sea lions. Even Canada's tallest water fall!
A few roads cross the island to the outer (Pacific) coast and the small towns out that way (some good twisties), but most human activity is along the east coast facing the mainland. Been here for 20 years, slowly finding my way here from Europe through the western Provinces. In the 90s I did a lot of kayaking in remote areas. Lifetime memories. I am blessed to have ended up here.
That's a great write up Norm, thanks for the info.
Sounds like an amazing place, bit scary with bears around.
There is a t-shirt out there, with a bear chasing a stick-figure human. The caption is "Canadian Fast Food".
I guess your crocs fit into that category??
Had a bear raid my camp back then. I grabbed my food and escaped to a small island through waist deep water. He punctured my Therma Rest and ate my chocolate bars, then he flattened my tent and walked away. Later, trying to get a picture of a bear foraging at low tide (from my kayak) for my albums, I found the bottom covered in oysters. That night I had a feast. A fare trade for the chock bars.
Can't help but love the bears.
At least a Croc won't chase you back to your car and try and heat your head 😄
You've had some interesting experiences, good and bad I guess.