• NOTICE: Starting March 24, we are shifting a user Account upgrade (donation) to post here. Once you've created an account, see the SITE SUPPORT section at the bottom on how to upgrade. This is to help try and cover site costs, and reduce redundant and argumentative posts. Search, read, before staring a new thread. We will still require ONE post in the Intro section to introduce yourself (NO QUESTIONS - THEY WILL BE DELETED). Small $ donations via our link above will not be considered. Also to NOTE, the owner here lost his home in the LA Wildfire storm in January; See the USA section for more details. Your compassion and understanding on use of this site is expected, it is NOT a free social media platform.

Wall of moronic shame...

This vicious behavior is one of the reasons I withdrew so much from here.
I too, have endured the wrath of people who came here, starting bullshit, which I call out every time, or asking the most stupid questions you can imagine or making wild claims not based in any sense of reality, to which I also called out. People don’t like it when you call their bullshit. You instantly become the asshole bad guy. It is unavoidable.
Thanks Scott, I will be stepping way back, and starting Monday, as the NOTICE at the top of the page states, will be shifting to a pay to post format.
Looks like I'll be diving back into Architecture and construction again to help resuscitate the place I call home.
I will silently Moderate here unless I find it fun to comment.
Heh, I so wish I had such a reason. The small handful of haters is simply because people don't get their way, and don't like that I don't bow down to their expectations and demands. This is a hobby turned business, and some simply can't wrap their heads around the fact that I am still a SMALL business, and we mostly build or import products to paid order. Amazon is ruining all small businesses, especially ones like mine.
The real head-scratcher is that many before me, who are still revered in the Guzzi community, did less and offered nothing to the community other than words, and they all collected $ to do so. I've done so here since 2001 for free, and the criticism has only ramped up the anger when people land here and start making argumentative and condescending comments and demands.
My online STORE has brought anger and rage mostly because people simply will NOT READ ANYTHING. It's all covered here and on the order page, shipping policy pages and order email invoice/receipt. We do NOT stock most parts. We're way too small, and Guzzi being such a small brand, it makes no sense. People would rather blindly throw money at garbage from overseas, and love to challenge my work with no proof to show other than childishly name-calling me, and yelling that I charge too much for quality products I developed, rather than diluted and stolen data. They will all be gone in a short time with no where to turn, and it seems most are OK with this. It's also shown where people love to come here and talk about products they buy elsewhere. I had one special request for engine parts that were impossible to find. I sourced them, the owner installed them himself, blew the motor up almost a year later, and then returned them and demanded a full refund... Then proceeded to sue me over it.
I provide proof and data (using my decades of professional experience) of what I develop and offer here, and/or have bought them to test and offer my thoughts here. Some people seem to hate me for it. Take it or leave. This is a site I pay for... It's a global reference to many sites and videos I've stumbled on, and have been linked to see.
I've used this line before... Jealousy breeds contempt.
I will take your advice, and will be stepping away from the site more here. Starting Monday, it will be (post) accessible to site DONORS ONLY.
I enjoy your words here, and appreciate your thoughts and posts.
Right on with the right on! Go, Big Daddy!
It’s really unfortunate that it has come to this but does not surprise me. I don’t think any of us knows the extent of what Todd goes through with trying to give good service to this guzzi community only to be shit on by morons who rip him off and get away with it. I’m horrified at the instances Todd has told me of and the thousands of dollars it has cost him. Then on top of that losing his home and contents. As for myself, I will be glad to continue to support this site and his shop whenever I need anything and contribute monetarily to the forum.
Thanks Scott, I will be stepping way back, and starting Monday, as the NOTICE at the top of the page states, will be shifting to a pay to post format.
Looks like I'll be diving back into Architecture and construction again to help resuscitate the place I call home.
I will silently Moderate here unless I find it fun to comment.
Good decision!!
I'm a newcomer so I don't have any baggage regarding the personal attacks that Todd has endured. But I fully support what Todd has decided to do regarding the running of this forum. I will be glad to sign on as a contributor. I recognize Todd as a solid good small businessman providing a unique program of products and support to a niche consumer base. In my estimation that makes him and his products/support a gem in the Moto Guzzi world so we should support him in any way we can. It didn't take me long to learn the layout and protocol of this forum. It's been a free forum provided by the generosity of a small businessman selling services and products focused on our choice of motorcycle. A one-man show providing products and services to people who own a niche brand of motorcycle. Ok, so can you give the guy a little slack? He doesn't have the time to baby-sit everyone and their individual problems and only asks that you spend some time and use the (free) vast wealth of info on the forum before you ask the question that has been asked and answered a gazillion times before...on this very forum! And then to have some low lifes actually take glee in his personal loss of his home and belongings as I read on Reddit, that goes beyond the pale. Give the guy a bloody break! Whether I continue to make direct use of this forum or not I am happy to be a continuing contributor from Monday and beyond. Pony up folks. This is your chance to make a real difference on something you've been getting free ride on for some time now. Do what's right.
And the icing on the cake from ‘ol davethewelder posted on our Google Business page.
@scottmastrocinque (and our minions)- sorry you got sucked on
This is completely irrelevant but, speaking of welding, I used to be a welder. Pipe? Sure. Weld one end of that skinny truss and then walk on it over to the end and weld that other end? Sure. Galvanized? Sure, IDGAF. Makes my chaw taste better! Striking those arcs, breathing those fumes, day in, day out. Overtime? Sure. Good times.
Then, one day, bad stuff started to happen. REAL BAD STUFF. I started to notice things. I would write a word and spell it "there" when I meant to write "their." Or, "tow the line" when I meant to write "toe the line." And, the next thing you know, I was not capitalizing proper nouns, or using apostrophes in contractions! Somehow, I knew I had to make a choice: Quit welding and huffing those toxic fumes, or save whatever miserable semblance of that high school education I had left! (Go, Class of 1973!) I quit. And do you know what happened? Neither do I. I forget. Why am I writing this? Who are you guys? Where am I?
It's going to be very interesting to see how this works.

Something that has always baffled me regarding Internet forums, bulletin boards, etc. is that a surprising number of people who are good and normal in other ways, helpful in discussions, etc., take a position that they ABSOLUTLEY REFUSE to donate to the cost of a site, or pay even a nominal amount to participate, even if they have 10,000 posts. It's like a matter of principle with them that everything on the Internet should be free to them.

I've just signed up for the upgrade, and I really think that the number of annoying, critical, repetitive, and useless posts will go down by a factor of 100 if only paid members are able to post. I assume that people will still be able to read posts without a paid membership; that only makes sense so that genuine people can see the content and determine if they want to be a part of it.

That being said, this isn't going to slow down people who are talking smack about GuzziTech or about Todd personally ON OTHER SITES. My unsolicited opinion is that any such stuff be ignored, and not wheelbarrowed over here for analysis. Those of us who have been around for a while know that people will say anything at all from behind the keyboard in their mom's basement bedroom; let it go .... resist the temptation!

But I fully support what Todd has decided to do regarding the running of this forum. I will be glad to sign on as a contributor. I recognize Todd as a solid good small businessman providing a unique program of products and support to a niche consumer base.
It's the rare few like you (and many who have posted here/above), that makes me push on, despite getting repetitively shelled here and all over the net. As mentioned, I first developed this site to start gathering collective user supplied tips and tricks, and supplemented it with my knowledge and experience. I personally have hugely invested over the years to test and post my thoughts here, in addition to spending a boatload of $ on developing and maintaining this site. It's very costly.
Products: People have also have been angered and resent me selling things here. I started because I tired of spending money on garbage. In addition to all of my time and money here, I really do my best to develop and test products, and show my work, to offer to those who can appreciate it here.
I won't bother with the flat-spin spiral of death we are on with people blindly buying junk from all over the world, and bragging how to not buy from me to save a $. All good, I'm winding things down.
For whatever reason, all of this has garnered a great deal of anger and hate, instead of what most think it would do. People comment on my ego, which is hilarious if you know me at all. Appreciate the rare few here who appreciate my time and work here.
It's going to be very interesting to see how this works.
Something that has always baffled me regarding Internet forums, bulletin boards, etc. is that a surprising number of people who are good and normal in other ways, helpful in discussions, etc., take a position that they ABSOLUTLEY REFUSE to donate to the cost of a site, or pay even a nominal amount to participate, even if they have 10,000 posts. It's like a matter of principle with them that everything on the Internet should be free to them.
I've just signed up for the upgrade, and I really think that the number of annoying, critical, repetitive, and useless posts will go down by a factor of 100 if only paid members are able to post. I assume that people will still be able to read posts without a paid membership; that only makes sense so that genuine people can see the content and determine if they want to be a part of it.
It is. I've already seen an uptick today in people just emailing me direct and asking questions about their bikes. Note to those reading this, they will be deleted. I will not reply.
It only took me all this time to put a price on the info here. I get solicited quarterly to sell this site, and I've refused all, some being quite serious offers. I’m not yet ready to hand it over, as I would still like to see it stay simple and not inundated with ads and the like.
That being said, this isn't going to slow down people who are talking smack about GuzziTech or about Todd personally ON OTHER SITES. My unsolicited opinion is that any such stuff be ignored, and not wheelbarrowed over here for analysis. Those of us who have been around for a while know that people will say anything at all from behind the keyboard in their mom's basement bedroom; let it go .... resist the temptation!
I've sat nearly silent for 20+ years. How long should I wait? I’ve lost everything I own, including my home. I have only rarely posted when attacked. Many seem to hate people that live in this State. I witnessed it for ~30 years, prior to moving here from the East Coast.
Other Forums seem to be OK on attacks of me and my work. I don't allow attacks here, unless it's well-earned/deserved. I am very thick-skinned, but my Italian blood has had enough. I won't hesitate to call people out when attacked.
All said, I will be largely stepping away from contributing here, so those small handful of haters can be internet winners. Enjoy.
A fitting quote in one of my feeds yesterday:

Also, do not call me by name on the Forum here. All references to my work should be stated as GTM. Addressing me here, or saying Todd’s X or similar will be revised or deleted. All mentions here or other posts in your online travels most appreciated to be simply linked to the GTM STORE.
This is completely irrelevant but, speaking of welding, I used to be a welder. Pipe? Sure. Weld one end of that skinny truss and then walk on it over to the end and weld that other end? Sure. Galvanized? Sure, IDGAF. Makes my chaw taste better! Striking those arcs, breathing those fumes, day in, day out. Overtime? Sure. Good times.
Then, one day, bad stuff started to happen. REAL BAD STUFF. I started to notice things. I would write a word and spell it "there" when I meant to write "their." Or, "toe the line" when I meant to write "toe the line." And, the next thing you know, I was not capitalizing proper nouns, or using apostrophes in contractions! Somehow, I knew I had to make a choice: Quit welding and huffing those toxic fumes, or save whatever miserable semblance of that high school education I had left! (Go, Class of 1973!) I quit. And do you know what happened? Neither do I. I forget. Why am I writing this? Who are you guys? Where am I?
I have the same issues while typing on my “smartphone” without having a lifetime of welding to blame (just a hobby welder/mechanic who recently retired from full-time engineering in the electrical power industry). Are you sure your typing problems are not due to “spell check”?

As I have noted in other posts, I really appreciate this site and the store. I hope GTM owner is able to make progress toward rebuilding his house while continuing to run the store and this site. I will continue to contribute to this site and make the GTM Store my first stop when searching for Moto Guzzi items.
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