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windscreen for breva 1100

I've been using the Daes Motec screen on my B11 for about a year. I'm 5' 11" and it moves the air away from the chest and head quite well.

The stock screen didn't work for me. After several attempts, I ended up with the smallest possible Givi (the A110 if I remember correctly, that would been the A200 now, I guess).
Cheap and good enough.
and this is what I did to make my B1100 screen acceptable


Raising the front to get a better angle and less turbulence. If I were rich I'd get the Daas Motec screen ;-)
I've been using the Daes Motec screen on my B11 for about a year. I'm 5' 11" and it moves the air away from the chest and head quite well.

Oca, that looks like the exact same screen I have. Mine was made for the V11 and so I have to find a way to bring the mounting hole up, back and out for it to fit properly. Was that your experience, or was the correct mounting hardware included in your kit?
Has anybody tried the National Cycle F 15 touring screen? It's supposed to fit the B1100, but I don't want to put out the money on something that might not work too well.
I have got the same problems with the standard Guzzi screen.
I tried Geordie`s riser at the front mount - not quite as high - and this was an improvement.

About 1.5 years ago I put the large Isotta screen on. It looked still o.k. and improved mainly because of the larger size and better wind protection. I still had some turbulances though.

Then I read about the MRA winglet on http://www.world-of-guzzi.de and bought one. I put it on the stock screen. This was the best so far. I like it for the adjustment even when riding and it produces the least turbulances. I have not tried it at high speed though due to the weather. I only comuted a few times with speeds up to 50 or 60 MpH ( 80 to 100 KmH ).
I might try it on the larger Isotta screen later.
Pictures will follow soon.

I have been using the Givi A 750 on the most all around awesome Guzzi yet,:cheer: The B 1100,:p for some time with excellent results on high energy secondary roads. This unit adapts easy to the headlight frame and looks great and has room for a GPS on the bars.
Some of you newer members may not have had your laugh at this, so here it is again.


This is the setup I use except in winter. I really should make more aesthetic mounts for the top spoiler but I've been busy sorting my Buell. joking aside that level spoiler really works, preventing helmet buffeting and wind pressure on my torso. Yes, I do get bugs on my helmet but better that than buffeting.

In winter I use this setup.


It works too, but is too hot in summer.

Screen is a shortened Givi A620. The first screen I had fitted was a Givi A200, which is what kiwi dave still uses i think.

Graham, Inspired by your white wine holder, I'll have to flip my GPS on to flat for a Merlot-this givi is paired better with a red:p
I just picked up the Givi A755 the other day in black for 85 bucks delivered. Well worth the price to see how I like the screen.

I think your bike looks great. NZ is so small and topographically "logical" that a GPS is needed only in Auckland where one is essential. It's a terrible city IMHO but does leave the remaining 50% of us to enjoy the remaining 90% of the country. ;)
Installation is no problem.You do need to trade out the stock headlight bolts for longer ones w/larger washers. While this Givi does not offer any real protection I love it because you are still in the wind and generally above the buffeting zone. And when it rains you can Speed Up :woohoo: tuck behind it and stay a little dry!
Hey Graham,
Thanks, the Breva is great....so Far:) my B 1100 and my wifes B 750 are our favorite Guzzi's yet.
I was in NZ but only to refuel the 727 to get to Australia. I was on tour with Arlo Guthrie and we were both looking at the landscape trying to figure out how to lay over and ride motorcycles for the afternoon on the way back. Turns out they wouldn't let us out:angry: of the airport. Oh well. The country does look great.
I fitted this Laminar Lip (bought off ebay) to my Breva, I was dissapointed at first as there was some wind noise at low speed. I've just had my first proper run out of the year today and it was excelent. The wind noise was never intrusive even at 80-90mph. I even forgot to put my ear plugs in on one section of the ride and didn't notice, I always had to wear them before as the buffeting and wind noise was so bad at speed.
I tried this abomination from a mob in the USA called Saeng, and it is now rotting somewhere in the local landfill tip. I even tried their rubber stip miracle edging - what a waste of money!
I bought my Breva 1100 used and it already had a Laminar Lip installed on the Breva shield. I don't notice any buffetting and actually find it works better than I expected, given that I have heard some detracters of the "LIP".
Geordie wrote:
and this is what I did to make my B1100 screen acceptable


Raising the front to get a better angle and less turbulence.

I know I'm the king of all procrastinators, and it's been like a YEAR or something, but I'm gonna try THAT one of these days.

I'm also considering taking a jigsaw to the OEM one, to cut it down to a smaller size and buying the MPH one for winter...
Hey Kev, I know life's busy and all (I seem to remember you moved house?), but man it's been aaaaaaaaages - you're trying to compete with me in the procrastination stakes, my B11 fairing project has been on the go since last easter, and you're catching up rapidly :p