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windscreen for breva 1100

Mike.C wrote:
Hey Kev, I know life's busy and all (I seem to remember you moved house?), but man it's been aaaaaaaaages - you're trying to compete with me in the procrastination stakes, my B11 fairing project has been on the go since last easter, and you're catching up rapidly :p

YUP, life was busy this past year or so, we renovated our old place, sold it, bought a new on, moved...all while Jenn was starting her residency (which is keeping her busy).

My new shop is set up in the new larger garage (LIFE IS GOOD).



So I'm starting to take care of stuff again, but it's mostly still by necessity... (wrenching for maintenance more than hobby if you know what I mean).

I've got a new 4-piston caliper and floating disc for Jenn's 1200L which has been in a box on my workbench well, for more than a year :blush: (moved from the last house). Right now I'm thinking I'll get to it when she finally wears out the current front tire.

But with the weather breaking and me riding the Breva again, I think I'll get to those brackets REAL SOON (like probably even THIS MONTH :S ;)
Finally got round to going out with the laminar lip on the standard Guzzi screen... What a difference!! I too find it buffet free up to around 90mph with a bit of wind noise, but I wear an Arai Astro which isn't the quietest helmet in the world. I'm well impressed with this bit of kit!

Just need my hand guards to turn up now.......
Here's my version of one of those fancy laminar lips.
£5 for a sheet of polycarbonate, an hour in the shed with the jigsaw, and voila!
It curved nicely when held over the gas stove, and some stainless bolts and washers to hold it on.
Works really well, even with an open face helmet.

And best of all, you created it from an idea - fantastic!

I find that when I make something myelf, the end result is always more pleasing and usually more functional and better designed than bolting on some expensive bits that are the product of someone elses ideas, but that's just me B)
Mike.C wrote:
And best of all, you created it from an idea - fantastic!

I find that when I make something myelf, the end result is always more pleasing and usually more functional and better designed than bolting on some expensive bits that are the product of someone elses ideas, but that's just me B)

Thanks mike, praise indeed from a fellow tinkerer.
I think half the fun of riding is improving your bike, and making things yourself is usually more satisfying than bolting on the latest gizmo.
Especially if your one only costs a fiver! :laugh:
Added a Laminar Lip to my standard (Breva 1100) Guzzi windscreen this weekend. Although I wasn't bothered much by wind noise (I wear earplugs or mp3 Shure earphones), I wanted to move the airstream about 2 inches higher to eliminate helmet buffeting on a trip from Seattle to Nelson BC later this week.

Testing suggests the gizmo works as advertised. The airstream is now over the top of my helmet rather than at "eyebrow" level. Was able to ride in my 3/4 helmet in the rain without getting my goggles wet. Buffeting reduced. It does appear that I'm getting a bit more wind around the indented edge of the windscreen on my throat, but I suspect it's just more noticeable now that the buffeting of the helmet is reduced.

Just to be clear. The Laminar Lip is not a substitute for a "barn door" windscreen. If you're looking for a perfectly quiet "bubble," look for a bigger screen or a different bike.

BTW, I'm 5'9" with a 32" inseam. Over the years I've found that individual preferences, helmet design, tolerance for wind noise, and overall windscreen design (rather than simply its height) all contribute to satisfaction with a particular setup. Bottom line is YMMV but for $90 USD, the Laminar Lip is a relatively inexpensive (and easy to install) experiment.
londonrob said:
Here's my version of one of those fancy laminar lips.
£5 for a sheet of polycarbonate, an hour in the shed with the jigsaw, and voila!

I have the tall factory screen and a Shoei RF1000 helmet and wear soft NRR 33 ear plugs. I need to get the wind noise down some more; damaged hearing on 6500 mile ride in '87. Now I have tinnitus 24/7 . I'm not sure if a change of helmet brand will help but London Robs home made screen extension looks great!

Rob did you make a template of you screen extension? It would be great if you can post a dimensioned drawing. I like the way you placed the vent.

thanks, Rafael
Rafael said:
londonrob said:
Here's my version of one of those fancy laminar lips.
£5 for a sheet of polycarbonate, an hour in the shed with the jigsaw, and voila!

I have the tall factory screen and a Shoei RF1000 helmet and wear soft NRR 33 ear plugs. I need to get the wind noise down some more; damaged hearing on 6500 mile ride in '87. Now I have tinnitus 24/7 . I'm not sure if a change of helmet brand will help but London Robs home made screen extension looks great!

Rob did you make a template of you screen extension? It would be great if you can post a dimensioned drawing. I like the way you placed the vent.

thanks, Rafael

Just curious really, but, did the hearing damage occur with or without ear plugs?

I have enjoyed tinnitus most all my life to one degree or another. Sadly, booze, smoking, or just having a bad day can make it worse.

I don't know life without it, but I here that there is some medical help. I never pursued it though.

Sorry in advance if anyone thinks I hijacked this thread.
rafael, if you are able to get and use the template and it doesn't work i would suggest you consider the eagle screens mentioned earlier on this thread. like others here, i found the factory tall and the mph screens of good build quality but not up to what i needed. having ridden behind a couple of k rt for years i knew where i wanted the top of the screen to be both in terms of line of sight and distance from my head. the guzz hardware allows enough adjustment for me to bring the screen back to where i needed it and the oz eagle folks were able to cut one for me to exactly the 530mm i thought i needed. it was perfect, i can now cruise all day at this side of stupid and while not a cone of silence it is buffeting free and with the soft plugs and shoei, pretty close to boneyard quiet. i'm on a b 11 and am 6ft even. again if the addition doesn't work for you, borrow a bud's bike that has a taller fairing and if it provides the cover you want just take a couple of rough measurements from top of screen to your visor and where you prefer to look, through, over, way over and give them an email.
To hark back to my unusual screen-top horizontally-mounted spoiler posted earlier, or wine glass mount if you prefer, I can add this observation - While airflow on my torso is non-existent, airflow on my helmet is as it would be on a naked bike. I know this because if I lean out on either side of the screen, airflow noise and feel are unaltered. It may look odd because it's unconventional, but it sure works. Now to make one up to fit the Givi screen on my Buell, but this time I'll try harder to make some more attractive mounts and the spoiler will be curved to follow the curved top edge of the screen.
Dean, the Givi A-760 looks great, I'll keep that set in mind for the future. So does the wine glass holder! The Breva has already emptied my wallet so a home made alteration or complete removal of the stock fairing is the way to go for me.

Quote function is malfunctioning! Here's my way around it.
Cat City Rider wrote: Just curious really, but, did the hearing damage occur with or without ear plugs?

I was using open cell cylindrical plugs that were not very good, they came loose too easily. I use a preformed closed cell type now; NRR33. I was also wearing a Nelson-Rigg neck warmer that attached to my helmet; it reduced wind noise dramatically, about 70%. The Velcro came undone and made the noise worse, N-R has since discontinued the product. They should bring it back! I tried another helmet mounted wind guard, made of neoprene; it works only for a month or so making it too expensive and it is not as good as the N-R version.
I haven't followed up on treatment either; an audiologist that tested me for hearing loss didn't mention treatment but did say hearing aids are available for partial hearing loss. You can google about nutritional supplements for tinnitus. One thing I do know about tinnitus, is that exposure to loud noise does not only cause increased damage to one's hearing but the damage is greater for a given decibel level of noise because you have existing damage. Take care of your hearing, some of us are lucky and don't have the problem so severely.
over the winter, I ordered the windscreen from Daes Mototec in Germany. Looked at the various Givi's, that would have been much cheaper, but I would have had to paint to match the red colour of my B11. And the daes mototec fairing came with the colour matched just about perfect. So while it was expensive (>500 C$), it was zero-hassle and I don't have to spend any more time on painting... The fairing looks perfect, much better than anything else. And it works great - only had a couple chances to get up to highway speed (we had snow again yesterday) but it definitely works and deflects a lot of air without being too much of a sail... I can't quite get right down behind it, so now I want to lower the bars. I'm 6 ft tall with a long back and I'd like to be more leaned forward... I know lots of people have put bar risers on, but has anyone gone for _lower_ bars? Just a bit of custom fabbing I'm thinking...
I'd like to be more leaned forward... I know lots of people have put bar risers on, but has anyone gone for _lower_ bars? Just a bit of custom fabbing I'm thinking...

I've fitted the bars from the Aprilia Mana and the risers from the 1200 Sport to my 1200 Breva and they do make you lean further forward, and change the way the bike feels when tipping into a corner, the originals were obviously giving a lot more leverage, plus I suppose you load the front end with more weight leaning forward.... It does have a sportier 'feel' to it now... I've also added the Buell footrests as per the 1200 Forum suggestion.....

I'm one of those odd bods here who would prefer lower bars on my Breva because my arthritic back likes me to lean slightly on the bars. The method of achieving that involves some welding and basic metalwork but no new parts. I can't find a photo of the sketch but it goes like this:
Remove the stock tubular section of the bars and cut them where there is an anular groove. Form an offset piece from something like 25 x 6mm MSF and weld the bar parts one to each side and slightly offset. That provides an eccentric adjustment ability. A bit like the gearlever extension shown in the photo below made to suit my preference for an unusually low lever. Could be appropriate when using the Buell dropped footrest too.

Re: Re:windscreen for breva 1100

Mike.C said:
I have an Eagle Screen - largest size they make (600mm).

Mike, I've noticed that the factory screen vibrates a bit at highway speeds. I'm wondering, since Eagle Screen it uses the same factory support, if you remember if the 600mm screen vibrated back when you had it mounted.
