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Pop goes the Mandello


Just got it firing!
Apr 5, 2024
Cheltenham, England,United Kingdom
So, set off to the dealership to go and get the leaking coolant clamps replaced. 37 mile trip, mostly motorway. Made it 12 miles and crunch went the engine. Sounded like a waste disposal unit, engine went to limp mode, which gave me enough time to get out of the fast lane and onto the hard shoulder where the engine died.

Three happy hours of waiting later, the breakdown truck picked me up and took me to the dealers. After a quick inspection they have let me know that

a) it's definitely the engine
b) the MG aftersales manager is coming to have a look this week and
c) I ain't gonna see my bike for weeks!

Will update when I know more but have a strong suspicion I might need to be breaking in a new engine soon.

In the meantime, they've given me a Stelvio as a loaner. Nice enough but like a lardy version of the Mandello and it's been a long time since I've ridden with knobbly tyres!
There's a guy on a UK forum who is also on his second engine. First one wrecked itself but second one is doing alright so....
Mine will be heading in to dealer for warranty work on Monday but no rush as I'm off to Singapore on Tuesday.
OMG am I feeling sympathy for you on this.

It will be very interesting indeed to get the full story on this.

That's the first catastrophic V100 failure I've heard of. At least they provided a loaner. That's also a first.
Third for me. Dave turned Mike’s Mandello here has a new motor under warranty.
Also machte ich mich auf den Weg zum Händler, um die undichten Kühlmittelschellen austauschen zu lassen. 37 Meilen Fahrt, größtenteils Autobahn. Nach 12 Meilen machte der Motor knirschend einen Gang hoch. Es klang wie ein Müllwagen, der Motor ging in den Notlaufmodus, was mir genug Zeit gab, von der Überholspur auf den Seitenstreifen zu kommen, wo der Motor den Geist aufgab.

Drei glückliche Stunden des Wartens später holte mich der Abschleppwagen ab und brachte mich zu den Händlern. Nach einer kurzen Inspektion teilten sie mir mit, dass

a) es ist definitiv der Motor
b) der MG-Aftersales-Manager kommt diese Woche vorbei und
c) Ich werde mein Fahrrad wochenlang nicht sehen!

Ich werde es aktualisieren, wenn ich mehr weiß, habe aber den starken Verdacht, dass ich bald einen neuen Motor einfahren muss.

Inzwischen habe ich ein Stelvio als Leihrad bekommen. Ganz nett, aber wie eine fette Version des Mandello und ich bin schon lange nicht mehr mit Stollenreifen gefahren!
Öhh das tut mir echt leid. Hoffe das sie schnell eine gute Lösung für dich finden.
I'll tell you that I am very glad that I bought the 4 year extended factory warranty on this model. Truly.

True that (me too!)! Although, since my RPM sensor failure on my first day, riding it home, it’s done well. Once stranded, it takes a bit to get that confidence back!

Good luck @Katie - keep us updated!
True that (me too!)! Although, since my RPM sensor failure on my first day, riding it home, it’s done well. Once stranded, it takes a bit to get that confidence back!

Good luck @Katie - keep us updated!

The fact that I'd already had 4500 miles of trouble-free riding on this one before it went pop makes me pretty confident any issues will be resolved (feel free to remind me of this thread if it happens again!).

Besides, it is surprisingly un-stressful if you break down on the way to the shop to fix an existing (albeit different) problem!
Much worse when it's on the way home, after work, tired and hungry...
The fact that I'd already had 4500 miles of trouble-free riding on this one before it went pop makes me pretty confident any issues will be resolved (feel free to remind me of this thread if it happens again!).

Besides, it is surprisingly un-stressful if you break down on the way to the shop to fix an existing (albeit different) problem!
Much worse when it's on the way home, after work, tired and hungry...
I like your attitude!
I rode a lovely red V100 yesterday, at my "local" (200 mile round trip) dealer's Demo Day.

A wonderful riding bike. Reminded me of the feel of a Ballabio of 20 years ago, but lighter and handier. I would drop the pegs about 1" and the ergonomics would be perfect for me.

After having done my due diligence, however, the dealer and I would have to have an eye to eye and heart to heart talk about it. If I were to purchase a V100, and thus be a participant in the "Moto Guzzi Post-Purchase Research & Development Program" helping them with hose clamp design, head gasket design, and blown engines, I would have to be convinced that they understood that NONE of that would be on my nickel.

It was a good event. Lots of younger guys trying out a Guzzi for the very first time!

I don't know whether to laugh or cry about that. My dealer went belly up. That puts me 350+ miles from nearest dealer. I've been lucky and have had none of the problems others reported, but the lack of dealer support, and lack of diagnostic tool is unsettling.
My dealer is so bad I don't expect much support. I do everything myself if something catastrophic were to happen just give them the bike for as long as it takes and ride my V7. If it is out of warranty I will do it myself no matter what is involved if beyond my capabilities then bite the bullet and trade it for another bike. Not the end of the world.
I bought my V100 from a big dealership with facilities in a few other places in the country.
It was my only option in 150 miles range anyway, and also located very close to me.
But they show no interest to keep the customer satisfied, only contact they made since the purchase last spring was beginning of this year when they wanted to sell aftermarket silencer.
Luckily I have a small Guzzi certified workshop nearby as well, which will be my go to for all service and maintenance.
This workshop sell a few bikes btw (very few) plus mopeds, but anre mostly just a workshop.
They are very helpful to make things work so I feel that I can rely on them.
And due to their sincere interest to help customers, I took my daughter there and showed their mopeds.
So my daughter got hooked and is now working during summer to buy a moped they have 😎
Well, dad will help out a bit with the financing of the moped… 😇
Brief update, based on a call from the garage so this is the full extent of my knowledge - A valve spring failed, the valve dropped into the piston 😳, the engine didn't like it!

When it happened I described the sound as 'like dropping a teaspoon in a waste disposal unit' and it seems like that was more accurate than I expected. Waiting for Piaggio to authorise the new engine but it looks like I'm going to be on the Stelvio for a while yet.

Most annoyingly, having run-in my bike, I now have to run in the Stelvio (it only had 300 miles on, 750 now) and I will probably have to run in the replacement engine when it comes! Fair to say I do not own a motorcycle to ride around being all gentle-like....
I would doubt that they replace the engine as that would be unnecessary.

A new cylinder and head will set her right as rain. 🤞👌👍