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Search results for query: USER CODE

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  1. James Chance

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    How did you determine this?
  2. kiwi dave

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    Yeah, that was quite common. But I never left mine with that code installed.
  3. Nordicnorm

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    ...ignorance! Not an easy task.... And thank you for making this a sticky. Turns out both my bikes (they were originally sold by two different Canadian dealers) have had the last 5 digits of the serial number programmed as the user code. I have been a little scared of getting in there to mess...
  4. scott_m

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    ...into them so they fit into the ignition and lock tumblers, but they must have different and unique transponder codes.The dash requires a User Code to be entered when it was first put into service. It asks for a new code everytime the motorcycle is started until one is entered, then it asks...
  5. scott_m

    Scott's How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code. (CARC Dashboards)

    ...into them so they fit into the ignition and lock tumblers, but they must have different and unique transponder codes.The dash requires a User Code to be entered when it was first put into service. It asks for a new code everytime the motorcycle is started until one is entered, then it asks...
  6. James Chance

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    Oh, don't worry, he'll be paying for this whole adventure... ;-)Jim
  7. C

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    ...on many Italian and German machines for a few decades and have to say…there are faults in the Guzzi system. I can get down with the user code, I even hazard to say it’s kinda cool. The issue is that I’ve done a lot of searches and reading and a lot of the time people have both keys and are...
  8. roadventure

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    James,I posted my outcome with Carmo Electronics around four years ago...See: https://www.guzzitech.com/forums/threads/user-code-screw-up.17453/page-2#post-149630and, FYI, your 23 year old offspring probably owes you over $400 to get the problem straightened out now. :(dave
  9. scott_m

    Anyway to remove start up code?

    Yes, it is actually.The forums are filled with dashboard User Code posts because people ignored it, changed it without recording it down, never had it in the first place, lost keys and now cannot program new ones, lost the code and cannot recover it anymore…So, yes…do your own thing and...
  10. S

    V7III - security code options missing?

    Hi, Jason.I just picked up a 2017 V7 III Stone, and am experiencing exactly the same problem you describe. Did you ever find a resolution?Thanks, Shaun
  11. scott_m

    Anyway to remove start up code?

    ...from the DOWNLOADS section.Dave, (roadventure) is being a bit dramatic with his "Don't do it..." statement in my opinion.Setting the User Code is a fairly straightforward process if you READ FIRST the section in the manual on how you do it, and you take your time and go slow and steady...
  12. KayJay

    Stepper motor repaired. Triangle of death gone bye bye.

    Thanks Guys but I can't imagine what i could be doing wrong. I'll ask my better half to video what i am doing and maybe that will help.
  13. scott_m

    Stepper motor repaired. Triangle of death gone bye bye.

    Peter, the button works on a principle of short pulses and long pulses. It's fully detailed in the Owners Manual pp. 51-73.The same method is used for the User Menus as well as the Diagnostic Menus which are used for Service functions. They respond exactly the same to the short and long...
  14. scott_m

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    ...dashes but again, he had to crack the dash open. There is no direct addressable connection from the PCB to the eeprom chip where the user code is stored, to the connector plug that the dash uses and he was never able to find a way to do it other than exactly how Carmo does this too. They...
  15. scott_m

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    ...service but they are apprehensive to send their stuff to Holland and I can understand. (02:33:54) Scott Mastrocinque: Can they read the User code and make keys for Moto Guzzi dashes here in the USA then? (02:34:35) Simon - Carmo: No. All services are all done through our company in the...
  16. R

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    ...well as mine. I bought mine from a used bike dealer with one key. The shop deals mainly in Harleys and was completely unaware of the 2 key user code dilemma. The former owner could not be found and did not use any one of the hundred or so "generic " number combinations that I tried. What...
  17. scott_m

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    ...owner the ability to program 4 DIFFERENT KEYS right from the motorcycle itself!With 2 different keys, you can FORCE A RESET OF THE USER CODE right on the dash on the motorcycle.Come on, stop bashing Moto Guzzi and put the blame exactly where it belongs, squarely on the shoulders of...
  18. scott_m

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    ...identical to the dash and as far as the dash is concerned, you have only 1 key because they are all electronically identical.To RECOVER a user code in the dash, requires 2 DIFFERENT but registered keys to the dashboard. (The dash is capable of learning up to 4 different transponder coded...
  19. R

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    I had a key cloned for my Norge. It works to start the bike but I still cannot use the 2 keys I now have to retrieve and change the user code. This user code crap with Moto Guzzi is the stupidest attempt at anti-theft I have ever seen. Not only can a thief not start your bike but neither can...
  20. scott_m

    How To Recover The 5 Digit Security Code

    Yes. It’s a list of common numbers people have used on other bikes before for the user code.