My Eldorado started exhibiting symptoms of this problem about a month ago. I tried going through this thread as best as I could, to try to see if anybody actually found a highly common link to the source of this. I don't have enough patience to read this whole thread start to finish, but tried to pick up enough on actual efforts made to solve this problem. Several mentions of bad clutch switches led me to test mine, on both contacts, with an ohm meter, which tested good. MotorGoose's post about replacing a cylinder head caught my attention. My bike was due for a valve adjustment anyway, so I went ahead and did it. My fear was that I may have a burned valve, due to too tight valve lash. Thankfully, they were actually loose when I inspected it, and I adjusted them to spec. I noticed that the spark plug gap opened up considerably, which I reset to spec's for now, until I order new plugs. I took the bike for a ride, the throttle hung at about 2000 rpm at the first stop sign that I came to, which made me think I failed to solve my problem. However, it hasn't had any problem since. I've taken it for about 4 rides since (on different days, about 3-4 hours each, maybe a half-hour break along the way) with no return of the problem.
I can't say for sure that my problem is solved, time will tell, won't have a chance for extensive riding until Spring. I just wanted to put this out there to reinforce that the basics need to be in good condition for fuel injection to function properly. These actions can be done for free, if you do your own maintenance. Even though this problem makes me think that some component, likely one that can fail when it gets hot, would be the source of this issue, keep in mind that this system is really Artificial Intelligence, thinking on it's own on adjustments it can make to correct running issues that it detects. If the basic mechanical components exceed the tolerances that the system was designed around, it will do unpredictable things.
I can't say for sure that my problem is solved, time will tell, won't have a chance for extensive riding until Spring. I just wanted to put this out there to reinforce that the basics need to be in good condition for fuel injection to function properly. These actions can be done for free, if you do your own maintenance. Even though this problem makes me think that some component, likely one that can fail when it gets hot, would be the source of this issue, keep in mind that this system is really Artificial Intelligence, thinking on it's own on adjustments it can make to correct running issues that it detects. If the basic mechanical components exceed the tolerances that the system was designed around, it will do unpredictable things.