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GTM Fuel Kit - E5 V85TT Performance Mods & Dyno graphs and PC6 info

love the sound from the videos, and the description helps, but would you say the shorty is noticeably louder than the long. or maybe just at certain rpm ranges you noted?

Love the look of the shorty when it’s naked. But it’ll usually have the bags/cases on, so maybe the long is the way to go. Fun decisions…
I’ll noodle a bit more on that and get an order in👍
Does the up-map address certain things, and then the PC addresses other elements? The answer has to be yes, but would love more education on how those interact and what they do.
Correct. The ECU map table is a broad brush stroke compared to what the PC/AT can do, and it does so dynamically using wideband sensors. Read more info HERE. The PC/AT combo makes any revised ECU map feel crude, digital and barbaric.
I've posted on this dozens of times... Everyone wants educated here, but that comes at a great cost and experience; 23+ years and counting on Guzzi-specific fueling alone. Your new here, so my resume is HERE.
We do not allow talk of THIS freeware here and THIS charlatan clown who wouldn't exist without freeware and stealing other people's work.
Gotcha. Education for me, and so thanks for the quick response and direction. Its my first late model Goose.
I know your resume, thats why I’m here and ready to part with the money :->.
Now off to do more reading and spending!
A well timed thread for me. I'm in Melbourne, trying to work out which mods/changes are going to be the best option for my 2023.
I'm in Perth with a V7 III that I have updated with GTM's fuelling map upgrade, along with de-cat after-market mufflers and the SAS and evap canister delete. It makes the bike so much more responsive and smoother and it pulls strongly through all the rev range even in 40 C summer temps. Well worth the upgrade for me. I don't have a V85TT, but if the fuel kits have the same improvement as mine has done, I can recommend the GTM upgrade.
How did it run? I'm thinking of doing the same thing. I don't know what to buy though. Do I have to buy the re-flash tool, upmap device, and the power commander 6? If I have to buy the PC6, then which one am I supposed to buy if I own a 2021 V85TT E5?
How did it run? I'm thinking of doing the same thing. I don't know what to buy though. Do I have to buy the re-flash tool, upmap device, and the power commander 6? If I have to buy the PC6, then which one am I supposed to buy if I own a 2021 V85TT E5?
This is why I don't like break-off threads. @Warnzie is out of town for a few weeks. Perhaps he'll reply when back.
I've merged his thread with the main one here that outlines everything you'll need, on the first post of this thread. Go there and click on the links in red in the first paragraph (that go to our GTM STORE tab top of page). You'll need everything there to get full power.
Hi folks😃👋, im in Japan atm, and will be back in a few weeks.

I will save the majority of the amazing results and feedback till I get back, as it needs that much justice and been on holiday doesn't give it what it deserves, but if you have a v85tt and were thinking, pondering, weighing up the $$ ECT ECT to see if your v85tt is worth it, deserves it, or more so you can love without the GTM PC6 fulling kit, I can without any hesitation or reservation absolutely recommend it and more so insist on it for your V85TT.
It goes way more than the physical components, it's the individual, personal and dedication from a individual that goes beyond the actual connection of hardware purchased that is the gold here folks...I CANNOT UNDERSTATE THIS MORE...you are getting personalised service, care and love for the brand, the product and YOUR bike in which for me personally, felt like his name was on MY bike and that his dedication and passion I experienced, and am still experiencing is unheard of and just mind blowing. I'm so taken back by Todd's dedication and helpfulness. It's this 👆 stuff that is absolutely non existent in today's world, especially or more specifically in the moto world.
A more detailed review coming when back from Japan, but if the above hasn't convinced you, and just for reference and transparency, I'm a Aussie living in Queensland Australia, have never met Todd, just a v85tt owner who appreciates his machine, Todd's expertise and products based on my purchases from him🍺👍🏿 then please wait to hear my thoughts soon
Ok folks, recently back from Japan and now have the excitement of giving a real life and honest review of the PC6/AT300 setup from Todd. There is a unknown, maybe more so for some reason a un-told element to this whole setup that isn't ever talked about here. Why i don't know? It does perplex me as this element of this setup is where the magic happens, and more so where the owner and developer of the work we benefit so greatly from comes into its own. Suffice to say, i think you may of guessed this element from my post above.

Im not going to go into the install ect ect as that is more than clear on this thread, i can say from that element Todd's instructions where clear, concise and more than easily followed. You would have to purposely want to do something wrong, as everything just clips / clicks into place with either a male / female end so you get the point:)

I could go into so many avenues but the important avenue, that is most sought after from a review perspective, is the, "How does it compare"...So mates, here we go, you asked "How Does it Compare"


Lets use a v85tt with a Upmap map installed as our basis for comparison. That was my v85tt before getting Todds setup. The real and honest fact is, and this is not to offend anyone that is running as so, the stock v85tt tune is horrific at best, which is solely based on emissions, constraints, hand ties that are mandated by authorities ect ect. Enough said on that, no argument there hence why i wont use a stock bike as comparison, which i obviously did have at one point in time...and seriously, the majority if not all who are interested in gaining more enjoyment / performance from their v85tt have already made modifications which would most likely include a upmap map, so think its more than fair to compare from this angle, and as you will see, the difference is as the east is to the west with JUST a upmap map:giggle:
My mods on my v85tt for reference are as follows;
- Verex Headers (Aussie Tasmanian Headers with bigger bore size over oem)
- Mistral muffler
- BMC airfilter
- Airbox lid modified to GTM suggestion (Large bore hole in centre, slits opened up)
- GTM SAS block offs
- Evap mod
**** IMPORTANT, valves set to Inlet 0.15. Exhaust 0.20 **** These clearances alleviate the pinging that this small block suffers from

and of-course a Upmap Map / Device and Todd's PC6/AT300 setup of recent

So, lets cut this review into 2, what my bike was like with JUST the upmap map, and then with the Todd's additional PC6/AT300 setup

Pre PC6/AT300 Setup

- My bike had the above mods, sans the airbox lid mod when i purchased a upmap device and associated map. I have a few posts here on GT that mention and ask for experiences of others in relation to flatspots, surging ect that i was experiencing. No doubt, it was a improvement in performance over stock, but it certainly wasnt perfect and the surging and fuelling issues i was expereicing were so bad i bought the lighter mod upmap map just to be able to have a behaved bike...Giving it the berries and more than 30% throttle resulted in overall a well behaved, enhanced performance bike, but anything under the fuelling was terrible. As one who uses his bike for communting and running errands, this was a big disappointment for me making riding arduous in traffic conditions ect . I would like to point out before a get slapped:wasntme:, this was for My bike and MY mods in MY location here in Australia, im not in anyway saying those that run a current setup like this are riding horrific fuelled machines, but i can tell you now without any doubt of a word, the upmap maps compared to Todd's setup is so far in comparison, im struggling to find a example to show the difference...I dont think as chalk is to cheese gives it the justice it deserves...you get the point. If your bike is currently running fine with an upmap and you have no complaints i acknowledge and respect, and more so congratulate you on finding that balance, but mates, if you thought that burger without the cheese was great, you REALLY do need to try the burger WITH the cheese - Todds PC6/AT300

The difference in running with this setup is just amazing. The first thing you will experience is just how smooth the engine will become and idle. Then you will find after the first take off is just how creamy and buttery the fuelling is...its astounding in comparison. The pull / torque of the engine across the rpm range, more so noticeable in the everyday running range makes riding the v85TT a pure joy and more so engaging experience. If you had any doubts of your purchase of a v85tt, we all know that "maybe i could have more power", or the "it was fun at first now i just wished", all these things are now washed away, it REALLY is that good lads. The bike is totally transformed, and not transformed in a arm ripping, unfriendly over bearing overpowered bike that will now make you second guess what you have done, it REALLY is a transformation of motorcycling bliss. The power spread you will now enjoy, the torque curve which gives you everything and more throughout the rpm range now, so much so its absolutely effortless to pass by that car as quickly as you want to dodge the booger they have rolled into a meatball sized ball and flick out the window just for us to ride straight into its path. The mechanical sympathy you have enjoyed with just owning and experienced from riding a v85tt is now enhanced to a beautiful perfection. It really is like your engine is saying thank you thank you thank you.

No more extreme engine temps, it now runs very cool in comparison which, logically and without argument is sooo much better for our engines but more so for longevity and reliability...Top end pull - 6,000 to redline (8-8500rpm) is magical, To think we have a setup with a aircooled, pushrod 2 valve engine to perform like this up to is mind blowning. The pull and accelaration is night and day in comparison to before, with exceptional power and pull from the 3500 - upwards where our riding and everyday matters. THERE IS NO COMPARISON to before with just my upmap map and mods.

It uses more fuel. you ask??? Well, any smart thinking human being would recognise more fuel = more push and shove..our bodies work the same way and we recognise that...so the logical answer is...Yes it does use more fuel. But how much more so? Before i was averaging 4.85lt per 100km - sorry to my US mates will leave you to work that out in your strange imperial ways🤣🤣 now im returning 5.0lt per 100km - hardly a scratch mates...this is genuine and true and these measurements have been when using my new founded throttle. Im yet to take for a extended touring ride which without a doubt will yield lower or more so very much the same milage.

So, its got more power, more torque, runs better, runs smoother, runs cooler, fuelling is creamy smooth, its an absolute joy to ride and now effortless in every way, everything just gels together harmoniously to provide pure riding enjoyment in comparison to before, is this where things stop??
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I have said this at least 100x over the last 13+ years. 😁


Welcome to the True Believers Club!

Best money you’ll ever spend on your motorcycle, eh?
So, its got more power, more torque, runs better, runs smoother, runs cooler, fuelling is creamy smooth, its an absolute joy to ride and now effortless in every way, everything just gels together harmoniously to provide pure riding enjoyment in comparison to before…
It’s an astonishing difference on all bikes that this system is installed on. My GTM builds likely wouldn’t run at all without it.
But I’m just a salesman selling a bill of goods (according to the ignorant, misinformed and all those blindly using things they are told work that don’t) when I post on it, despite me personally enjoying it on all of my bikes since 2001. So thanks for your words!
Warnzie's truly excellent review above has inspired me to write my V85tt story. I hope that my words can be valuable input not only for someone considering the GTM Upgrade but also for someone who may be just beginning to consider the V85. I'm an older rider, my last bike was a Triumph 650 in early 70's. I didn't know much about Moto Guzzi, but the V-Twin, shaft drive, craftsmanship, tradition and styling became alluring. I watched tons of video reviews of bikes, read everything I could. And it became apparent, this Marque is special. Many times I read an account from someone with a stable of the best bikes, or who had owned many of the best over decades, and they would point out that when it came to rider satisfaction, the joy and passion we feel, that the Moto Guzzi was right at the top!
Once I got used to riding again, I soon bonded with the bike. Clearly a keeper. But a bit to my surprise, I did feel, in certain situations, a wish for more power. I wanted the overtakes to be somewhat snappier.
Last year I installed Todd's complete upgrade on my 2021 V85 Centenario. GTM Exhaust, Upmap with the Dbkiller Map, PC6/AT300, SAS delete, Airbox mod.
I completely accord with everything Warnzie has said! It's truly transformative and this goes beyond just acceleration. There is a feel to this bike, the response, the sound and vibration, we become exquisitely attuned to these things. The V85 is addictive in it's feel. And it is so sensitive to rider imput that to me the handling feels effortless, even telepathic. I believe that this may be related to the longitudinal crankshaft orientation. Which means the shaft drive has only one bevel. It's a brilliant design that's executed with great refinement, considering all the numerous design geometry trade-offs involved in the engineering.
Now imagine all this but now the bike is fuel corrected. Perfect tune held in steady state. The response is so alive, so smooth, so excellent in all gears and across the power band. The vibration, it's creamy! Overtakes? Very satisfactory! Sound? Awesome, but not obnoxious or ungodly loud. Grunt off the line is at another level, it yanks my arms. With the new exhaust and lithium battery the bike becomes 40 lbs lighter! Wet weight is now around 470 lbs, perfect.
It runs so much cooler that after a spin I can put my hand on the cylinder heads! I installed all the mods myself and I'm not a pro, I'm a YouTube mechanic. Yet I still have maintenance autonomy with oil changes and valves. It's a simple, air cooled engine, only 4 valves and all so accessible.
A fuel corrected bike is something you feel every minute you ride it. If we are limited to one motorcycle, as an all-rounder, a V85tt as sorted out by Todd is very hard to beat. Because its a balance of perfection. You can't buy this bike in a store. Beyond this point, diminishing returns set in very rapidly. even if money is no object. The Zen of it all is easily lost! So, I ask the same question that concluded the preceeding review, 'is this where things stop?'.
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I just took the plunge and purchased the whole setup for my ‘21 V85TT: full Werks exhaust kit + full fueling E5 kit + K&N filter + SAS evap!
Looking forward to a cooler running engine; linear acceleration without gaps; the beautiful Werks long exhaust. It was difficult for me to judge “how loud” the exhaust will be. Hope not ‘annoying to passerby’ loud.
It’ll be at least 60 days before i get it here in Bolivia because sending it all via air would be too expensive.