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UpMap Q&A

Thanks for the feedback guys. They have been so slow to respond to my simple requests, that I’m beyond frustrated… However, I’ll send a note now about this issue. The system shouldn’t allow a map purchase that cannot load, especially after you enter the VIN#. I’ll ask about some type of compensation to you two, and see what they say, but I don’t expect a timely reply.
It's amazing how crappy some people run their businesses. Truly.

It's just another kudos to Todd that he is trying his best to help Guzzisti even with this crap that isn't of his making.
Thanks, Todd. Yeah, I wasn't going to pester you about it given that you had nothing really to do with the fault, but if they can refund for a map that we can't possibly use anyway, that would be awesome.

Hahaha! Oh man... if you read up-thread, I warn against that EXACT mistake, which I made myself. Glad it's not just me... it really is an easy mistake to make given the way they designed their store interface.

I read your warning and still managed to make the same mistake. They really do need a better way of laying those things out. What’s most frustrating…and makes me feel stupid lol…is when I selected the EU map, I checked everything to make sure it was the setup I needed etc and it said “this is compatible with your vehicle”. Yea…nope it wasn’t. Oh well, these things happen.
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Yeah, same... I thought I was being very careful in selecting the map because I knew only the first one was free, and still managed to botch it and pick the EU one anyway.

I am about to place an order for the device through Todd's store. I said I was following this thread to see how UpMap worked out because I wanted to get something to read diagnostic trouble codes. The issue just became high priority. I rode the bike about 50 miles (running errands locally) yesterday without incident except I thought I felt a very, very slight misfire a couple of times.

I tried to take it out this evening--it cranked longer than normal and stumbled after it started, but then seemed to settle down. Then it started running really rough, the check engine light came on, and the dash displayed "ALARM URGENT SERVICE" in red. It also automatically turned on the 4-way flashers and went into limp mode. The only way to stop the 4-way flashers after that happens is to turn the key off. I opened the fuel cap to equalize pressure since it had been sitting in the sun. I then tried restarting it several times and it would run a few seconds each time before the red alarm indicator turned on. The check engine light remained on even though the red alarm indicator would stay off for a few seconds after each restart. I pulled all of the fuses to try to reset the ECU, but no help. I eventually put it away in limp mode by revving the engine a bit and slipping the clutch. There was also some backfiring.

After putting my riding gear away, I thought about using an infrared thermometer to see if I could tell a difference in temperature between the two cylinders and headers. The right cylinder and header were only a few degrees above ambient temperature while the left side was 20-40F higher (depending upon where I aimed the thermometer) so I suspect the right side was not firing.

It is clearly under warranty so it will go to the dealer (need to arrange transportation since I cannot ride it across the Phoenix metro area in limp mode). I will order the UpMap interface unit so I can verify that it will read actual trouble codes before I take it to the dealer.
What would this have to do with his multitude of errors and limp mode?
Fuel is the same as it was running on before (fresh fill a couple weeks ago). Since it is in limp mode, changing plugs would not help without a way to clear DTC’s. The only other thing I could try before I receive the UpMap module is completely disconnect the battery for a while, but removing all of the fuses should have reset the ECU.

This situation is why I want some way to read/clear DTC’s that I can keep with the bike. It may be just a glitch, but the bike is dead in its tracks until the codes are cleared. It may also be an actual sensor, ECU, injector, coil, or spark plug failure but it was running fine when I parked it.

I am glad this happened in my driveway and it will not be too difficult or expensive to transport it to the dealer. It would be much more than an inconvenience if it happened on a trip with the nearest dealer several hundred miles away.

I ordered the UpMap module from GTM and will try to read/clear codes before taking the bike to the dealer. Here is a photo of the dash.


  • 28DBC15E-7630-4DFC-BA7E-B524D2AFC8BC.webp
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If it is like 99% of the motorcycles I work on, I’m pretty certain that the ECU error codes live in non-volitile RAM on the main board, and if this is the case, then cutting all power to the ECU for a year, wouldn’t reset them.

Also, hasn’t this using the UpMap device to “reset error codes” on this motorcycle platform, been established as not possible? I thought I read that confirmed by somebody but as I don’t own this model, I cannot be 100% certain. In post 53, Todd talks about the trash can icon as being able to clear the codes. I don’t see anybody confirming this though.

Did you SEARCH this? Might be worth a go.

Good Luck!

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The errors I saw (the misfire ones) were not erasable, but that doesn't mean that no errors can be erased. Also, FWIW, I went back later to try and get a screen shot of the errors I had, and they were gone. This suggests to me that "minor" faults clear on their own after some period of time, and therefore don't need to be erased.

It remains to be seen whether or not a major fault such as Gerry's can be erased, which would hopefully get him out of limp mode, at least temporarily. Unless someone wanted to go in and deliberately induce a major fault in some way, Gerry may be the first V85 owner (at least in the US?) to have the opportunity to try and report back his findings.

It certainly would be nice to have a definitive answer to this repeating question.
A question for @GTM perhaps: Todd, do you know of any pros/cons to simply leaving the device connected to the bike 100% of the time? It does seem to draw some current (LED is on when connected, regardless of bike being on or off), so there is that.

Unfortunately, there is not much available in the way of documentation that I've been able to find. The link on the UpMap website to download the T800 guide is broken and doesn't actually link to anything useful.

Edit to add: after some googling, I did find a source to the "upmap_user_guide_Rev1.pdf", but its not really what I hoped it would be. That guide is just a basic how-to on registering, connecting, and flashing your first map. There is zero info on any other product features or usage (like, managing error codes).

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A question for @GTM perhaps: Todd, do you know of any pros/cons to simply leaving the device connected to the bike 100% of the time? It does seem to draw some current (LED is on when connected, regardless of bike being on or off), so there is that.
It is designed to run in place to use the telemetry and related if you so choose… so no downsides outside of parasitic draw.
My DTC post is here;
https://www.guzzitech.com/forums/threads/upmap-q-a.22298/post-182407 - until I have one in the shop with a major error, I can’t say what it does yet. They say yes it can outside of the stored memory. I can inquire, but I’ve exerted my frustration threshold already this month. ;)
I have no doubt the basic motor, gearbox, and final drive are reliable. Unfortunately, an electronic problem or glitch can prevent those reliable mechanical components from doing their work so I need a way to access the ECU. If Piaggio would sell a scan tool to me as an individual for a reasonable price, I would have already purchased one.

I have an OBDII scan tool for modern gas engine vehicles and a Bluetooth OBDII interface with aftermarket Android application for my electric car. Since there is no internal combustion engine, electric cars are not required to follow the OBDII standard so the only option was to take a chance on the Android app which I first purchased in 2013. I have used those devices to read and clear DTC’s in order to restore normal vehicle operation.

I have a GS-911 for the BMW’s and wish there was a similar scanner available for my V85. I am hoping the UpMap device will serve that function. I know from Jason’s experience that it can at least read DTC’s so I am purchasing it. I have had good experiences with the GS-911 and the Android app for vehicles that I could not buy “manufacturer-approved” scanners for so I am willing to gamble on the UpMap (especially since Todd has chosen it for his fueling system).

As noted previously, I will wait until I get to try the UpMap unit before taking my bike to the dealer. Therefore, we will soon know if it can read/clear major faults (assuming it will pair and communicate with an ECU that has active major errors). Any idea what the delivery time is after order?
As a new Moto Guzzi owner, I would have gladly purchased from TechnoResearch. If the UpMap system does not work to read and clear DTC’s, then I will keep searching for something else, but at least UpMap makes the hardware interface for several different brands so they look legitimate.

I was planning to wait to purchase until there was more user experience and favorable reviews, but I now have an opportunity to verify its functionality. If it works to read the error code(s) and clear them, then I will know I have something that works. If not, then I take the bike to the dealer and hope some reputable company decides it is worthwhile to market a suitable device. This experience makes it clear that I need something since there are places I travel to that are a long way from any dealer.
If Moto Guzzi owners are famous for anything, it’s cheapness. Personally, I’m in the “you get what you pay for” camp, and don’t mind spending the money for things that I like. But anyway…

More data points: I got the misfire errors again - it seems to happen under heavy throttle, high revs, but not predictable. I mean, I can’t deliberately replicate the problem… it just sort of happens when it feels like it. No perceptible running problems that I can hear/feel at the time… seems perfectly fine except for a few blinks of the CEL.

ALSO, this time I tried hitting the trash icon when the list of errors was up. It did, in fact, clear the list. So maybe un-erasable errors are actually erasable?



Thanks for the feedback. I am also in the “you get what you pay for” camp and don’t mind spending for things I like.

I think the algorithms that detect misfire are more likely to detect something under heavy throttle and high RPM. One detection method under the OBDII standard is observing the rate of change of crankshaft speed (which would be more noticeable at high RPM under heavy load).
My hunch (or hope) is that it’s a non-issue, although I am keeping Scott’s battery load testing suggestion in mind. Once we have more UpMap users reporting in, maybe we can determine if it’s a trend related to that, or rule it out.

Power command sells a pigtail for your V85TT so a standard OBD2 reader can look around.....