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UpMap Q&A

I did not realize the Moto Guzzi is OBDII compatible, but noticed that Jason’s misfire codes match OBDII naming convention (P for powertrain, 0300 for random/multi cylinder misfire, and 0302 for cylinder number 2 misfire). I guess I will order an adapter cable and see if I can access it with my generic scan tool.

Part of the requirement of the Euro 4 standard was the change to J1962 (OBD-II) type of diagnostic connector.

The new Euro 5 regulations include requirements for motorcycle OBD-II systems.

ABS is also required for any motorcycle or scooter 125cc and above wishing E5 compliance certification.
I found an adapter cable on Amazon that connects the Moto Guzzi 6-pin to the standard OBDII (16-pin, I think) connector so I ordered one. The descriptive literature says regular OBDII scan tools work with it. I will be careful.

Do you know how long delivery typically takes for the UpMap unit?

Scott’s note about the E4 and E5 standard requirements explains the correspondence I received from the manufacturer regarding the GS-911 unit I have for my BMW (that a different unit is needed for the newer bikes).
found an adapter cable on Amazon that connects the Moto Guzzi 6-pin to the standard OBDII (16-pin, I think) connector so I ordered one. The descriptive literature says regular OBDII scan tools work with it. I will be careful.

Do you know how long delivery typically takes for the UpMap unit?
The connector is used on the forbidden (to talk about here) Diag software. Do let me know if a generic scan tool will communicate with it.
I am one of the early adopters of the RB Evo setup for my Euro4 V85TT. With over 8K miles ridden with the RB Evo system, I can say I am still quite satisfied with the performance.

I am a bit curious with this one as it seems to reflash my ECU, which I prefer over using a piggy-back system like the RB Evo (or Power Commander types). How much benefit would you say the T800 offers of the RB Evo?

Also regarding the OBD2 adapter. I bought one off of Amazon (I forget the brand) and it works quite well. I used it recently to see why the check engine light was on. I have a mid-range ODB2 scanner and was able to pull the code from the bike.
I am a bit curious with this one as it seems to reflash my ECU, which I prefer over using a piggy-back system like the RB Evo (or Power Commander types). How much benefit would you say the T800 offers of the RB Evo?

Also regarding the OBD2 adapter. I bought one off of Amazon (I forget the brand) and it works quite well. I used it recently to see why the check engine light was on. I have a mid-range ODB2 scanner and was able to pull the code from the bike.
There's little to no benefit of one over the other outside of installation simplicity, and the T800 offers diagnostic function.

Great and interesting news on the OBD2 scanner. Can you state which model you used/purchased?
Adapter: amazon.com/SuperOBD-Motorrad-Diagnose-Motorcycle-CAN-BusKTM/dp/B09GX4PVQ1

ODB2 Scanner: harborfreight.com/automotive/diagnostic-testing-scanning/zr13s-obd2-code-reader-with-abssrsfixassist-57666.html

Regarding the scanner, only feature that is useful is code reading (and erasing). Most all other scanner features (like real time diagnostics) is not functional like when connected to a car. It's a pretty good scanner to have at home for hobby mechanics like myself.
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I received the adapter cable from Amazon today. My OBDII scan tool was able to connect to the bike and it displayed two DTC's: P1600 and P1602. It also indicated that P1602 was pending so a total of 3 errors. The scan tool surprised me by trying to connect as soon as I plugged it in. I let it go through its attempts to connect and then turned on the ignition key without trying to start the engine. The scanner then established communications and displayed the DTC's. These errors appear to be related to manifold pressure out of range.

I want to wait until I get the UpMap device so I can test its ability to read and clear diagnostic trouble codes, but don't yet have estimated delivery date. I may get impatient--try clearing the codes with the scan tool and then try starting the engine.
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Here is my experience with UpMap on my GF's 2021 V7. The unit took a while to arrive but eventually got here in good shape. App was simple to download to my iPhone.

Connecting to the ECU was a little odd at first, but then when carefully watching Todd's video at the top of this thread, I noticed that at 1:21 where it says "this may take a while" he was sliding his finger around and seemed to touch the text at the top of the screen. This was what was necessary, I suppose it makes sense if you had multiple UpMaps connected to multiple bikes within Bluetooth range you would need to select it by tapping. Anyway, that was the biggest hiccup in the process.

For map selection, I suggest reading the descriptions carefully using a full-sized computer rather than on your phone. Since I'm running Todd's GTM exhaust which has some packing but no baffles, I used the V7 US SR map which was described as "DB killer removed" (i.e. no baffle). My assumption is this effects back pressure.

Map uploading was fast and easy. I've used several different software platforms to access motorcycle ECUs and this was definitely the most user-friendly, although it also has the least general utility for me. Basically just useful for remapping.

Bike runs great! After installing the GTM slip-on with the stock map, there was significant decel popping which is now greatly reduced. It also runs smoother and overall feels very sorted out. I have not yet installed the secondary air injection blocking plates, this will likely completely eliminate decel popping.

She's riding it in the DGR today and couldn't be happier!
Here is my experience with UpMap on my GF's 2021 V7. The unit took a while to arrive but eventually got here in good shape. App was simple to download to my iPhone.

Connecting to the ECU was a little odd at first, but then when carefully watching Todd's video at the top of this thread, I noticed that at 1:21 where it says "this may take a while" he was sliding his finger around and seemed to touch the text at the top of the screen.
Thanks for the post, and every order is followed with the words below. We're in frustratingly strange times right now with products.
The video I shot was literally the second time I used the software after a month prior to the very first time. I'm glad I did the video to l help others, as I also learned what needed to be done (including re-watching it several times since myself).
I remain in contact with UpMap in awaiting whatever hoops they want me to jump through next to be able to supply my maps, however they do not want me to make a penny off of my work, allowing them to sell it via the app. This remains a real problem for me as it's this knowledge/time and intellectual property that is the only value to me. They aren't allowing me to make any real money off of the device.

In these unprecedented times of post-COVID-19, worldwide shipping REMAINS affected at every level. Consequently, we are experiencing unanticipated and significantly longer delays from our suppliers, as they no doubt are also experiencing the same delays and challenges from theirs. Regrettably, the situation is beyond our control. We are all in this worldwide shipping frustration right now.

After replacing the air filter it idled terribly and threw a code indicating manifold pressure. Turns out a tiny vacuum tube had fallen off while replacing the air filter cover.
No Guzzi to date has had a MAP (Mass Airflow Pressure) sensor that I am aware of. I'll dig a bit deeper on the E5 models this week to check/verify.
No Guzzi to date has had a MAP (Mass Airflow Pressure) sensor that I am aware of. I'll dig a bit deeper on the E5 models this week to check/verify.
On the V7 III the MAP sensor is the same one used to measure atmospheric pressure.

The atmospheric pressure is memorized just before starting the engine and afterwards it is the depression at the throttle valve which is measured.



  • MAP.webp
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On the V7 III the MAP sensor is the same one used to measure atmospheric pressure.
Thanks, yes, I meant external sensor (of which a hose can be left unconnected) like many other manufacturers like Triumph (and others).
I remain in contact with UpMap in awaiting whatever hoops they want me to jump through next to be able to supply my maps, however they do not want me to make a penny off of my work, allowing them to sell it via the app. This remains a real problem for me as it's this knowledge/time and intellectual property that is the only value to me. They aren't allowing me to make any real money off of the device.

So tuners have zero incentive to work with them. That’s… infuriating. It sounds like they want to funnel customers towards Zard, and limit competing options. Is Zard somehow affiliated with Termignoni?

I’m sorry UpMap is treating you so badly and hope there is resolution in your favor.
Curious if anyone else is noticing the occasional misfire errors after remapping yet, besides me. On my 1,800 mile trip this past week, it only popped up a few times - never “feeling” any problem. Seems to happen under heavy throttle.

Elsewhere, someone reported that they recently got the latest OEM flash by their dealer and then started noticing similar errors (unsure on exact code, though… but CEL behavior seems similar to what I see) so it may have nothing at all to do with UpMap.

Note that prior to installing the map I have now, I used UpMap to reflash (restore) the OEM map, which if I’m understanding correctly, actually downloads the latest OEM map - not necessarily the same map you started out with.

At any rate - bike seems fine.

Note also… I happen to have a V-Twin Boost dongle at my disposal which I may try out with the OEM map. I don’t particularly like the way the dongle works, but am willing to try it out in the name if science.

My zard up map install is working fine the only problem I found is with fuel that isn't of the highest octane I get a little rattle in the engine and the engine light blinks for a moment.
My zard up map install is working fine the only problem I found is with fuel that isn't of the highest octane I get a little rattle in the engine and the engine light blinks for a moment.
Do you know if it is the same misfire codes that is triggering your CEL?

@GTM® Todd, your post on the OBD thread reminded me if something I was wondering about: I don’t see an option specifically to reset the TPS on UpMap, but I’m assuming it is part of the flashing routine. Do you happen to know if that’s true or not? If so, reloading the map might be the only way to do a TPS reset.
